Notifications For New Jobs
Just wanted to know if there is any way to receive notifications whenever a new job has been created within ServiceM8? We currently have a Google Ads lead form asset set-up via Zapier and would like our client to be notified whenever a new job is created. Is this possible or is this feature being added?
React / Component Frameworks
Wondering if anyone has been able to successfully use a modern approach to developing a web application within SM8.
Custom Styles
We are developing a large addon and would like to use our styles.
Screen Pop
A year ago another user asked a question about Screen Pop which was never answered.
Job/Job Activity APIs stopped working
API - Create a new Job
I am using JavaScript to create a new job via the API. The documentation states that "a UUID will be automatically generated for the new record and returned in the response header as x-record-uuid".
GA4 Tracking
Add online bookings addon to the API to trigger on new form filled
Would you be able to add online bookings addon to your api-so it triggers when an enquiry/booking is made?
403 error when trying to retrieve attachments (Oauth2)
I am getting a 403 error (Insufficient Scope) whenever I try to retrieve attachments via an Oauth2 connection.
The error message says ""read_attachments" scope required to complete this request"
Hi. Podium has shown how the SM8 sms system is a little poor from the customers side and demonstrated these issues against how their 2way sms system works. We are using it now due to this and the stripe fees being 1/2 of what it costs through SM8. I am not sure why Podium is not an add on and ask if that is something that will happen or perhaps you do not allow them due to a conflict of interest regarding stripe and sms income impacting SM8 income by their engagement?