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Does ServiceM8 integrate with a SQL back end database?

FormResponses timeout

Hi, we have made successful calls with almost all endpoints. We do like your API alot, thank you. We are struggling with the FormResponses endpoint though. It just seems to timeout / not return. Is there something special about this endpoint we need to do?

Error authorising ServiceM8 to execute lambda function

As per https://github.com/servicem8/addon-sdk-samples/tree/master/hello-world-addon-python , I have set up an AWS account and created an index.py : https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/lambda/home?region=us-east-2#/functions/servicem8-addon-sdk-hello-world-function I then ran: aws lambda add-permission --region us-west-1 --function-name servicem8-addon-sdk-hello-world-function --statement-id 123 --principal 576043501240 --action lambda:InvokeFunction But I got the following error: Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure". I tried changing the region to us-east-2 to match where my function seems to be but I got the same error. This is my first time developing in AWS so hopefully, it's something simple.

API & Job Description Checklist

Hello, I am noticing something odd when updating the Job Description via the API. When updating via the Web UI, the system acts as expected and allows the checklist items to show on iOS app. When updating via the API, the checklist items are removed and not available. If the same Job Description is then updated again via the Web UI, the checklist items return. Is there an additional subroutine enabling this via Web/iOS that is not taking place when the Job Description is updated via the API? Video of this: https://youtu.be/9wFwUY31J90

Bulk Upload API of Jobs

Good day sir/ma'am, May I ask, is there an API for bulk upload of jobs? along with attachments if possible? I can't find any API for this one. If none, is it OK to use this API (https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post-job-create) with multiple requests like around 50-100 jobs? and I am thinking during those iterating requests, our system will call the API for attachments as well? Additionally, on your Client UI, is there a bulk upload for Jobs? if the above is not possible, i am thinking to sync the data in reverse (towards to our system) instead. Hoping for your quick response. Thank you, Renz

webhook not hitting callback url

Even after subscribing to webhook. [ { "object": "job", "callback_url": "https://pickmyorder.co.uk/Test/GetWebBook.php", "fields": [ "uuid", "status" ], "unique_id": "", "active": true } ] I am not getting any response when a job is changed or status is changed for eg I changed status from "Quote" to "work order"

Error Packaging Function

I write a simple function that will render a simple view but every time I save the function it throws an error saying "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance." and I'm pretty sure that I created a working manifest. Any idea to make this function works? P.S.: Please look at my simple function below ``` 'use strict'; const handler = (event, context, callback) => { let strHTMLResponse = ` <html> <head> </head> <body> <h1> Hi </h1> </body> </html> `; callback(null, { eventResponse: strHTMLResponse }); }; exports.handler = handler; ```


Hey guys, just wondering the user base of Servicem8 in Australia? And of those how many are service based ie plumbers, electricians, pest control etc?

Retrieve All Jobs and Sort by most recent in Guzzle/PHP

Hi - I'm using: https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json like this using PHP: https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json?%24filter=status%20eq%20'$status'" where $status = "Work Order"; How can I sort the results by most recent job first? Thanks

Access to Vendor logo?

Hi, I can see there is an auth scope specifically for `vendor_logo` but I can't see any way to get access to the logo itself? I need to use it in transactional emails sent out by our addon - can you let me know how to get hold of it? Thanks in advance