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Form data export

If we can gather data from using a created form in order to produce a report for a client, how can we export the data or save as a readable format?

Save SMS text contents in case of error

Hi, While producing a quote for a job, a PDF document is produced and it is also added to the job log as "Client can view this quote online" this is a short url for example: https://sm8.link/xyz3aa3 Which API can retrieve this info? I have checked job, job notes, job attachments but no luck.


I am in the glass industry and I would like to create an add on. Can direct me to a a programer?

Populate enquiry form with available job slots

Hi there, A client of our uses service M8 and has asked us (their new web developers) to create a signup form where clients can fill in their details and choose a repair slot. I looked at Zapier, but it can not handle populating a form with available slots from Service M8. What would be the best way to go about this? Is there a prebuilt addon that can populate a form and then create a job on submission? Or is there info on your api somewhere that I can read? Thanks

Servicem8 Verify Webhook Callback URL

Hello Team, We are using below official document url of servicem8 to subscribe to the webhook. https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post_webhook_subscriptions We found that, we have to Authenticate webhook callback url to receive post data using Oauth 2.0 process. We used this url : https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/authentication We did it and we are getting Access token using App Id and Client service Id but after that how to verify our server callback url to receive post data ? We are stuck here. Can you guide us or provide us with any reference url? While subscribing to the webhook callback url we are getting "Authorization Required" every time. Can you help what I'm missing here? Note : Below official servicem8 link to handle the verification step is not working https://developer-beta.servicem8.com/docs/overview So please provide the steps so we can move ahead. ***************************************************** MY PHP CURL CODE : ***************************************************** $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://api.servicem8.com/webhook_subscriptions', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('object' => 'Company','fields' => 'Active','callback_url' => 'https://safety.clouddownunder.com.au/public/admin/webhookcallback'), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array( 'Authorization: bearer 68128-apse2-REMOVED', 'Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ), )); $response = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); echo $response; ***************************************************** OUTPUT : Authorization Required *****************************************************

AWS Add-on integration

I am making a very simple add-on through AWS Lambda using C#. My Function Handler has arguments of EventArgs & ILambdaContext. I return a string of HTML, but the HTML is not being rendered. Any assistance would be appreciated - I know I'm missing something obvious. I'm guessing my return type is incorrect, but not sure what else to use.

Share Contact First, last name and company name with create job

please help me to send user details with create job api like Contact First, last name and company name

Create Webhook Response success False Problem

Hi , I'm building an add-on for a client and need to setup a webhook. When I return the challenge, I get the following message: {'success': False, 'message': 'Invalid callback challenge key returned'}. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Scheduling a job via API

Hi All, I'm trying to schedule a job via the API. I thought I should do it via the "Create New Job Activity" action, but I was not successful. Which API action should I be using (and by extension, which fields should be included)?

Material Search / Save bug

Hi, I have discovered a case-sensitive bug during my development of an add on. 1. When I run my API get request for a material by the Item number, Let's say the Item number in ServiceM8 is 'LABOUR', but my GET request has item number as Labour; With the filter equal to, I get no result. 2. my next logical step is, I first need to create this material before adding it to the job. So i create up the data object. 3. When I then go to 'Create' the material using the end point material.json with posted data that has the item number as 'Labour', Guzzle returns a 400 bad request error from ServiceM8. 4. I then log in to ServiceM8, and update the material item to Labour, and rerun step 1 and voila my GET material by Item Number returns a uuid, and I know that I don't need to create one. Alternatively if i delete the material then I run steps 1 through 3 without any issues. The issue: What I believe is that during a 'create' the validation that is taking place, isn't the same as what is happening during the GET request. The 'create' is not performing a case sensitive validation, and so, it is finding the material and returning a 400, where the GET is returning a 200 because it is performing a case-sensitive validation and finding no results. This makes it difficult when working with clients who have already created their own materials, and will have either casing or mismatched casing in their materials item numbers. Ideally, it would be preferred to operate where a compare is non-case-sensitive, and then in the filter we can overwrite, or vice versa.