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Zapier - Update Job Status API

This question was submitted as a ticket however I didn't find the answer I was looking for. They suggested to post here instead....

I have successfully connected Zapier and used the Google Sheet function that can either create a client or create a new job when a new row is updated however there are some limitations I need to address. Namely the ability to assign the job to a contractor because at the moment this has to be done manually. Update Job would be an ideal Zapier integration.

When asking for advice I had this...

There's two ways to do this

  1. Contact ServiceM8 ask them to publish an update Job Zap on Zapier
  2. User the Zapier to update the status in ServiceM8 using their API


There's a PUT JOB or Update JOB API in ServiceM8,

Then, we can pass it a Job ID and status.

You need a way to automatically assign the job in ServiceM8 to the contractor that has accepted the job, therefore I would contact ServiceM8 Support first and ask them to create a new 'update Job Zap' in Zapier where you can pass it the Job ID.

ServiceM8 Support Response

Hi David,

That is correct. For the meantime, there isn't yet an automatic way to assign a job to a contractor and we only have the two options you have mentioned. And to do more with regards to ServiceM8 and Zapier would be to use the API, which ServiceM8 does have. If you'd like to get more info or share your ideas about the API that you're working on, the you can refer to the following links below:

This is the website for our open API.

This is the website for our Developer Directory that contains a list of independent consultants who are ServiceM8 certified developers.

For API related concerns, you can visit this website: https://developer.servicem8.com/discuss and post your inquiry there.

You may also send an email to developer.support@servicem8.com and our developers will be able to answer your inquiries directly.


ServiceM8 Support