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How do I create a test app with the addon callback URL set to localhost?

Hello, I am trying to create a new integration that uses oauth and the self hosted web service function. This requires the oauth2 callback URL to be set. However, trying to set it to https\://localhost:3000/partners/servicem8/callback does not seem to work (this is only for testing) and it instead returns a 403 error - how can I set it to localhost so that I am able to test my callback? Thanks.

Webhook for quote sent

Hi Guys, I have a client who seems to be having issues with his emails going to spam. (Believed to be Gmail issue as he has the gmail integration enabled in sm8) As a temporary or possibly permanent workaround until he gets this sorted, he wants to be able to send a sms to the client when he sends the email informing them that they should have an email. He wants to do this through Twilio as the client can reply if they havent got the quote. I jus cant seem to find the endpoint or if there is a webhook subscription available for when a quote is sent. Or even when an email is sent that I could then filter based on a quote, I could register a webhook for then a quote document is generated, however he may produce multiple documents and this would send to the customer multiple times. So really need the quote sent or email sent endpoint. Would be great if you could help.


So working on sending emails via servicem8 and I am wondering if it is possible to send attachments via the email API

Endpoint for Manual Checkin/Out

Hi there. I can't seem to find it... but is there an endpoint that supports manual checkin/out on a job? Thank you.

Job Endpoint Create/Update [Missing Data]

I don't know if I'm missing something - which is entirely possible! But when i update or create a new job using the REST API, if the customer is an existing customer and I use their uuid the job and billing contact fields are set to blank as is the job address and billing address. These are all the possible fields according to your documentation. ``` { "uuid": "123e4567-4145-4359-b6df-1de6b1bfb89b", "active": 1, "created_by_staff_uuid": "123e4567-371d-4b06-b546-1de6ba4aa4bb", "date": "YYYY-MM-DD", "company_uuid": "123e4567-9ad3-47e9-9e56-1de6b90af1eb", "job_address": "string", "billing_address": "string", "status": "string", "job_description": "string", "work_done_description": "string", "lng": 0, "lat": 0, "generated_job_id": "string", "payment_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "payment_actioned_by_uuid": "123e4567-392d-4544-bca2-1de6bfb6f51b", "payment_method": "string", "payment_amount": "string", "total_invoice_amount": "string", "category_uuid": "123e4567-c842-427e-8b0b-1de6bcf3ea4b", "payment_note": "string", "geo_is_valid": "string", "purchase_order_number": "string", "invoice_sent": "string", "invoice_sent_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "ready_to_invoice": "string", "ready_to_invoice_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "payment_processed": "string", "payment_processed_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "geo_country": "string", "geo_postcode": "string", "geo_state": "string", "geo_city": "string", "geo_street": "string", "geo_number": "string", "queue_uuid": "123e4567-789b-471a-9ff5-1de6b653357b", "queue_expiry_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "queue_assigned_staff_uuid": "123e4567-5f23-44f8-afc8-1de6b6c57edb", "payment_received": "string", "payment_received_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "badges": "string", "quote_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "quote_sent": "string", "quote_sent_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "work_order_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "completion_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "completion_actioned_by_uuid": "123e4567-461e-4e11-aa2c-1de6b7059dfb", "unsuccessful_date": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "job_is_scheduled_until_stamp": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", "active_network_request_uuid": "123e4567-eff2-4b6a-b80e-1de6b2fc1e3b", "related_knowledge_articles": [ { "knowledge_article_uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "relevance": 0 } ] } ```

"create_jobs" scope required to complete this request

Hi Team, i'm trying to create job using access token but it throwing error as ("create_jobs" scope required to complete this request). How can i add scopes to create jobs. Thanks in advance..

Microsoft Flow connector

It would be very helpful to have a Microsoft flow connector. Seems not to hard but looks like I will need oath2 details. Is it possible to use a client id and secret from an add-on to get this to work?

API for getting payment Information

Hi, I want to get all the payment Details with of the jobs done by my Company technicians to a desktop application. Do you have any API available? Thank you Best Regards Sam Perera

Form data export

If we can gather data from using a created form in order to produce a report for a client, how can we export the data or save as a readable format?

Developer Account Expired?

My sandbox account, which has been running for a few years, is saying Account trial has expired, when using the API? The web client works fine with the same login. I contacted support, but they said to ask here? Any ideas? Thanks.