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ServiceM8 Phone

Has anyone used the ServiceM8 phone and have some feedback for it? We are looking at implementing it for our company but haven't found anyone that used it

Service m8 forms populated with wordpress form information

is there a way of us using standard contact forms on our wordpress sites and using servicem8 API system can the forms within service m8 be automatically be populated with the information from a wordpress contact form

Hiw to delete information/account after free triel

I cannot cancel my account as my free trial has ended, I need the account information deleting as another contractor needs my email on their system.

Why does my Webhook callback url saying authorization required. I have already inserted my authorization parameter?

Authorization required when firing webhook

How to get all the jobs in the system with api?

The list endpoint only gives me 9 jobs which are not all the jobs I need I want to have all jobs what would be the endpoint

Job toolbar button to open an external web page / URL

We are developing an order form and wish to add a button in toolbar to open our from via URL and include the job uuid so we can refer back to the job via REST API For example: <https://www.myexternalsite.com/servicem8/orderform?job_uuid=XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX> Is there any such option or example we may use as a guide? Thank you Mark

Layout and Field Update

Hi Team, I raised a ticket regarding this, but I was referred here by the Helpdesk: <http://support.servicem8.com/hc/requests/205203> We are integrating ServiceM8 with our CRM. However, we are missing the right unique identifier. I understand that you have API Documentation on your website that can be used for integration. However, for this project, we're not going to write code to build the integration. This can be done easily without writing code, we're just missing one important piece of identifier to get this up and running. We are using Zoho Flow--an integration platform to customize the workflows. In the integration platform, we're only seeing the following 4 fields (see below list) and unfortunately, none of them are useful to build the workflow. You might ask if we have tried the Contact UUID, yes we have tried all available options on the list. - Email address-email - Phone number-phone - Mobile number-mobile - Contact UUID-uuid The "Category UUID" does not appear as a field when we integrate ServiceM8 with Zoho CRM. We require the "Category UUID" to be included in the current Job Card Layout the same section where the 4 items above are situated. We're hoping this can be done on your end. Please let me know if you need further details. Thank you!

Disable 2FA for Private Application access

Hi, I am developing a private application for a client. Their staff have 2FA enforced due to being connected to Xero, can they still use the private application with the Basic bearer token? or is there a way to disable 2FA and restrict access for a sudo staff member to have API access only?

Not able to see Company Contacts

Hello Support , This is Regarding integration of Birdeye with ServiceM8. I am working on Lead/Contact writeBack to help serviceM8 to find its potential customers which we found at Birdeye Platform. I can see that in the Client Section of the dashboard it is showing only contacts who are created via Job . I want to know does it show all possible Company Contacts on the dashboard ???. I have created few Company contacts using Curl -> curl --location '<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/companycontact.json'> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Basic dGlsYWtyYWoucmFvQGJpcmRleWUuY29tOkJpcmRleWVAMTIz' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data-raw ' { "active": 1, "company_uuid": "79a31fdd-21b6-4ebd-8fb5-208d8344da9b", "first": "Abhinav", "last": "K", "phone": "4034398348", "mobile": "54480984398", "email": "[abhinav@gmail.com](mailto:abhinav@gmail.com)", "type": "JOB", "is_primary_contact": "yes" } ' but the contact which i created using this API those are not showing on dashboard. would be looking forward to your response. Also it would be great it you can share a Support Email so that I can clarify all my doubts about the API support and all . thanks Regards Tilakraj

Intergration of my CRM system with Sm8

Currently, I am trying to integrate my leadflow of clients from my Facebook to my CRM system so we can send them a newsletter etc How do i go about this? Currently, I had little joy from SystemHubs Support telling me i should try and find out on this forum Is there any way of doing this even if we use a 3rd party app like Zapier? Maybe somebody is doing this successfully