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Is there a timing problem with registering a webhook on addon registration?

I seem to have a problem where if I register a webhook during the initial Addon Install/Registration, that whil the webhook subscribe request comes back as success=true, but the callback_url is stored wrong within ServiceM8 as a constant. (ADDON_CALLBACK_URL) You can see that by doing a get to the webhook_subscriptions URL... This is the JSON response to a get request to <https://api.servicem8.com/webhook_subscriptions> after successfully registering the webhook during the addon install... (i.e. I'm doing this in my callback code after authorisation) \[ { "object": "job", "callback_url": "ADDON_CALLBACK_URL", "fields": [ "status" ], "unique_id": "", "active": true } ] If I wait a minute and then try, the registration also returns success as well, but does store the correct callback_url. Has this been a problem for anyone else? I need to do this on registration as it's the only time I have the vendor ID. (Calls to the vendor.json REST work fine, so data is already populated.) I'd hate to have to put in some kind of delay/variable that's variable in duration depending on circumstances.

Job auto recurring pushed forward

when a job is completed for a recurring 2 weekly cycle, say, one day late, the app pushes the next job to 2 weeks from the completion date instead of keeping the original cycle. For our mowing business, the original two week cycle needs to be kept, otherwise it throws the roster out of whack

Is there an API for GoodNotes

A customer has asked this question

QR Code data field

I need to find the matching data field between the ServiceM8 QR code and the Wink connector fields for a custom report. Thx [Jo.packham@bsds.com.au](mailto:Jo.packham@bsds.com.au)

Gmail spam

Hi, My replies to customers are going straight to their Gmail spam. Why?

revenue mismatch from service8 UI and API fields

Hello, I trust this message finds you well. I've encountered a discrepancy in the revenue calculation while using a Python script to call the <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json> endpoint. The specific field I'm utilizing for this calculation is named 'total_invoice_amount.' However, upon comparing the numbers generated by my script with the ServiceM8 UI, I've noticed variations in the monthly revenue figures. I'd appreciate your guidance in identifying any potential oversights or discrepancies in my approach. For your reference, I have attached a screenshot from the ServiceM8 UI, showcasing the place from where I am taking revenue numbers per month that I am comparing. Your assistance in resolving this matter is highly valued. Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there's a specific aspect I should reevaluate. Thank you for your time and support. ![](https://files.readme.io/76b0b63-image.png)

How can I get data inside My Clients(Partner Support) using API.

I can get data from the developer account using App ID and App Secret Key but in My clients option there is no such option to find App ID or App secret key. If any solution is there please let me know.

Is anyone else experiencing problems connecting to theb API 'GET on 'job' returned status 401. {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"The access token provided has expired"}.'

The problem began to occur about 5:15pm Sydney time and is spreading to more and more of my sm8 customers GET on 'job' returned status 401. {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"The access token provided has expired"}. It happens both reading and writing via the API

How to add custom field in Servicem8?

How to add a custom field in Servicem8?

I am not able to authenticate via OAuth authentication to ServiceM8 api. Getting invalid client credentials

Hi ServiceM8 api team. I am a freelancer. My client want to build his own app to jobs and some other stuff. Now to get the jobs, staff and customers data into that app we need to use servicem8 api. Because of 2fa we have to use OAuth authentication. Our app will access the api on a PHP(Laravel) backend server. So we are not able to use authenticate via Oauth. please help. I have created add-on and followed all the step described in api reference. Please help as soon as possible.