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API integration with 3CX phone system

Hi there Does your API integrate with 3CX phone system?

ASCII Character Encoding?

We noticed that some data we are sending in Json comes out garbled in the Web UI. i.e. Apostrophes (') shows as âEUR(TM) Dashes (-) shows as âEUR" Do we have to encode differently? The JSON looks correct to my understanding. ContentType = Application/Json And Encoding is default UTF8.

Import Orders into ServiceM8 as Jobs

I have a WooCommerce store and I want to be able to automatically add any orders for service into ServiceM8 as jobs. Do any of your APIs allow for this customization? If not, do you plan on adding the ability to import a CSV type file into your system that creates jobs? Thank you, Gina

Blocking out calender times

Hi, Is there a way to block out my ServiceM8 calender into specific allotments of time that have a title that I can then book relevant jobs over the top of? I know i can import my external calender from google etc, but these items only come up as busy in ServiceM8 and isnt useful if i want other people to book things in for me in the correct time slot. For example every monday morning i have appointment between 7-10. My assistant can see this in the service m8 calender and schedule my appointments in this time slot. Other staff members can see that monday morning between 7-10 i am out on appointments even if they have not been scheduled in yet.

Automated Invoice and Price List Import

Hi Team, Our business has quite a few customers that are using Service M8 and we have been asked if there is a way they could automate the import of our invoices and price files into Service M8. Currently I see there are a few options available to import invoices and price files for Service M8 users: https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001174576-How-to-use-the-Automated-Supplier-Import-Add-on https://www.servicem8.com/addon---Supplier-Invoice-Import?uuid=5476fd38-afa3-413f-a520-819da14a3a1b However we would like it if we could potentially extend these functions to work with our system. We have available an existing API that allows for third party systems (such as Service M8) to register customers for automatic exports of invoices and price files. Once a customer’s account has been successfully registered (for either invoices, price files, or both), a CSV file(s) will be exported on a daily basis containing current data. This exported file can either be sent to your destination via FTP, FTPS, SFTP or if no such destination has been configured it’s content will be made available in a JSON web response. We would be happy to add email as a destination to easily integrate with your add-on, however we would need the Service M8 system to send our API the details. Is this a possibility? Cheers John

Job edit_date

Hi there, I am working with the API for a client to synchronise push data into ServiceM8 and keep this synchronised with another system. My issue is that I am creating jobs via the API, and the 'edit_date' field, which appears to be the date/time of the change, is 2-hours in the future. The account preferences have the timezone correctly set to GMT+8 (Western Australia), I have not been able to locate any other options for this. Is there any reason or any setting that needs to be changed for the API to return the correct modified time? Or even better, is there a means available to work with unix timestamps?

API Access

Hi there, My Zoho Expert has requested API Access. I'm not exactly sure how to ascertain this, so your help would be greatly appreciated.

How to access attachments

Hey so I can see the endpoint to access attachments but I fail to see how I can download or find a URL for those attachents. IE I would like to display the invoices and photos from a job card in my app. What options do I have here

Oauth2 /api/user endpoint?

Is there any way to get the currently authenticated user details from either the API (once authenticated) or during the oauth process? I only need email address (or some unique identifier) but the docs don't seem to suggest its possible...

How to access attachments

Hey so I can see the endpoint to access attachments but I fail to see how I can download or find a URL for those attachments. IE I would like to display the invoices and photos from a job card in my app. I am able to display a newly created invoice by capturing the image returned from the api call, however this I want grab the images that are already in the diary. Also I would like to be able to send invoices and photos in an email via servicem8 What options do I have here