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How do I go about getting a built-in integration with a platform called Property Me?

How do I go about getting a built-in integration to sync with a platform called Property Me? https://www.propertyme.com.au/features

Producing the job list CSV via api

Hi, Is it possible to use the api interface to produce the job list CSV file that is available within ServiceM8 reporting tab? I would like to automate the collection of this data as the CSV has exactly what I need, and chaining the api lists together seems redundant

Handling Webhook and Handling the Verification Requests

I am trying to create a integromat webhook scenario to watch for any changes to the job card. From what I gather, once setup, integromat will listen for any data that serviceM8 sends. If I was to change the job description in the job card and click save, serviceM8 would send the data in the change fields array, and the webhook would then pick it up and trigger a scenario. From what I gather, I need to create a webhook for this. I am trying to follow the instructions here: https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/webhooks-overview The first step is to create a web hook subscription, which I can do in integromat using the make API call module. I then need to setup a callback URL, which I believe I can create a new webhook module in integromat and copy and paste the URL into the webhook subscription. I think the part I am struggling with, is handling the verification requests. I believe my webhook module will pickup the data from ServiceM8, but I am unsure how to render a response to the request that includes only the challenge value. The example on how to implement the verification step is: <?php if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'subscribe' && $_REQUEST['challenge']) { echo $_REQUEST['challenge']; } // else: handle webhook POST data I don't fully understand the above, and not sure how to implement this using integromat. Any help would be really appreciated as I have been trying to figure this out for a long time now and really want to figure this out. Many thanks in advance!

Scheduled vs. Unscheduled API

I am having some custom (via API) reporting done for me and my developer is stuck on two points: I want to keep track of the number of jobs I have with status Work Order that are not yet scheduled in the calendar (my backlog). And I want to keep track of the jobs with status Work Order that are scheduled, but not yet completed (all my future jobs). We couldn't find what you call scheduled and unscheduled jobs in the API. Pls advise.

Custom fields API connection with Power BI

Hi, I can happily connect and read data using the standard ServiceM8 API but when I try to connect custom fields API with Microsoft Power BI (https://api.servicem8.com/custom_fields_1.0), I am getting told I am not authorize. Can anyone please assist me with connecting Custom Fields API to Power BI. Thank you

Scheduling a Job via API

Hi All, Unsure if anyone knows but is there a way to schedule a job for a specific time using the API? I have had a look and am unsure if we should be using Job Allocations (assume this allocates a staff member to the job) or if there is another method for scheduling a job for x duration starting from y date. Cheers Nick

Api endpoint for Diary entries

Hi, I am wondering about a few things. What are all the current endpoints in SM8 (documented and undocumented). The reason I ask is that fumbling around I can find a few end points that are not in the API Reference guide, and I wonder if there is an undocumented endpoint that I am in need of. Here's the problem, my client had an issue submitting the Signed Form via their mobile app due to coverage issues at the time of signature consent, my client didn't notice this issue until the following week when their client requested a copy of the signed PDF. Now the client requires the PDF to send to the insurance agency, however it needs to have all the correct timestamps as to when the work was completed/accepted etc. I can easily update the PDF by downloading it, modifying the PDF data, and creating a new attachment and relinking it to the form. Boom date is correct. However the form and the diary entry are still out of sync and thus the story is disjointed as you scroll through the diary on the job. Question: How do I modify the 'Created date' much like I can using the note/UUID.json API end point, but for system created diary entries. eg. https://share3.ecnal.com.au/7niK6ldR5E This is the diary entry for the client, I need to set that date back to the 14th, so it sits along side the job completed task, which is about 20 entries earlier, as there are a lot of photos, SMS and Email chatter between. I would also like to modify the 'Complete' date that is in the form: https://share3.ecnal.com.au/p8Ybfxucgh I can edit a timestamp, the form response data, but just can't simply edit this 'Completed' section. Thanks for your assistance. Hopefully I can align my clients data back into the appropriate timeframes soon.

Asset Fields Not Mandatory

I can see in the API that you can set an Asset field to not be mandatory. I updated my asset type fields using the API to make them not mandatory but they are still asking me to fill them in. Is there a way to make them not mandatory? My plans since you can't make Assets via the API GRRR (just make it possible but leave the barcode and image field blank) rant over. Is to Manually create 2500 blank assets in serviceM8 then using the API Ill then match QR codes to the corresponding asset and mass import the 25 Asset fields data into ServiceM8. One problem all fields even updated are mandatory...zzzzz. Current workaround solution use the API to make the 25 field not active manually make the assets in ServiceM8 then run a script to make them active again then import data. PLEASE MAKE NON MANDATORY FIELDS NOT MANDATORY or Even better have a way to add Assets via the API.


Hi, Does your service integrate with Zapier?

Updating addresses on clients and creating new clients with addresses

Hi, We are creating new clients in Servicem8 and updating them as well. According to the API documentation there is the following fields in clients that can be updated or added. address_street address_city address_state address_postcode address_country address billing_address When posting to servicem8 the only 2 fields that appear to work are the "address" and "billing_address" fields. On the client billing details card in Servicem8 there is a breakdown of the individual street information. However, the "billing_address" only updates the address field and the other fields are not updated. What are these fields for? address_street address_city address_state address_postcode address_country And how do we update the individual address details on the client billing card?