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MDM device management

Hello, I use Meraki to roll out profiles to supervised devices. I can change the settings for the iOS app via a management setting page within Meraki but I am unsure ho to type the 'Keys" Im really new to this stuff so please excuse my wording, I hope I can get my point across though: For example: I want to enter a boolean 'true/false for the key 'Lunch break over' How would I type this key ? on browsing the net I've seen some examples which may be written 'com.servicem8....******" could you assist please ? also I need to do a 'list' question ? how do I write the answer that I wish to be selected ? I have some screen shots showing the Meraki platform but cannot attach them here ???!!

Best method of retrieving jobs, allocations and schedules

Hey guys, Just wanting to know how you guys at Servicem8 go about retriving jobs, allocations and schedules. as perspective I am creating a job list similar to on MySchedule on servicem8 ios app Since I can only filter a single parameter it makes it hard to narrow down the options often leaving long waits before retrieving the users jobs/allocations/schedules. Currently I search allocations by active=1 then filter staff_uuid=user Activities I search end date is gt current/date/time then filter on my end user_uuid=user, active=1, activity_was_scheduled=1 Jobs I search status ne Completed, then filter on my end status <> unsuccessful, active=1 It's really not that efficient

Invalid Response Received Invalid JSON Response Received

My addon activates just fine, and even gets the event details for the callback; however, regardless of what I return (nothing, a full HTML page, or pieces of HTML) I get the following error in the modal window/iframe: Invalid Response Received Invalid JSON Response Received The iframe's src is https://addon.go.servicem8.com/PluginPlatformExternalSDK_HandleActionEvent?&s_strAddonId=######&s_strActionType=job&s_strEventName=######&s_form_values=jobUUID-companyUUID&s_auth=######&jobUUID=######&companyUUID=######

Styling Services Addon in an iframe with CSS to match rest of site

Hi there, I have now got the Services addon functioning as required in an iframe on my site, however I would like to style it to fit with the rest of the site - i.e. - make the background white - change the font, link and button colours - remove the header (as there is already one directly above it). Is this possible? Thanks

Stripe Pre Authorize and then Capture

We have a problem with COD accounts. I have checked extensively with your support and Strip's support on this and I can't confirm the answer I am looking for. What I want is to have the customer Pre Authorize an amount at he estimate stage. Lets say the estimate for work is 300 - 500 dollars. Stripe supports the integration for Authorizing up to 500 in this case. (So that is held for 7 days. Then once the estimate process is approved which includes the preauthorized 500 amount. We do the work, and then the installer processes the invoice amount on site (this is where the customer usually disappears) then the amount is Captured by us at the invoice stage, with out customer intervention because it's pre authorized. Stripe supports this functionality. I just don't know how to implement it from my end. Ill bet that I can't. I would be willing to bet that this integration would be popular.

Adding supplier invoices for jobs

First let me say I am not a servicem8 user. I am currently evaluating it, and having an API is a major plus in my book. A common task we have is plumbers go to a supplier, buy parts and give the job number. We then later receive electronic copies of those invoices. I would like to be able to parse those electronic invoices and put the parts used directly onto the related job, so the billing is automated. Does the API expose functionality to automate that part of the billing?

Please specify an object for subscription

Hi i created developer account at m8 Im facing some problems using webhooks I have authenticated and get the access token and with that access token I was sending another api call to get list of web hooks but it gives me this error : { "success": false, "message": "Please specify an object for subscription" } and when I add when I added object:Job it gives this error: { "success": false, "message": "\"\" is not a valid field for subscription" } Please advice what i am doing wrong here!

CORS blocking me

Please Help!!! I cannot do anything via api anymore. It all worked up until 4 or 5 days ago, then started sporadic failures until now it is not working at all When I try to do anything via API, when I set credentials to true, I get "Credential is not supported if the CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ is ‘*’" and then when I set it to false I get this "Did not find method in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’" I rely on this to do things that servicem8 cannot do, such as extra Asset Service Reports and even correcting mistakes such as simply setting form active to 0 right up to adjusting things incorrectly filled in on a form.

External ID Custom Fields

Can you let me know the process to add an external Id to the Client and Job objects? I am integrating ServiceM8 with Salesforce and I need an 18 Character External ID field on the Client and Job, and possibly others as we progress through the development process. Thanks!

Arrays for Job Materials

I am wonder if there is an option to send Job Materials as arrays? I have tried to do this, but nothing shows up in a Job. If I do it as a single object it goes in. I am trying to do this through Zapier so it takes 15 different tasks to add 15 different materials one by one. I would like to stack them as an array to a job. Thanks