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Multiple quotes using api

I want to generate multiple quotes for same job id using API so that I can send to my customer. can you please help ?

Custom CSS

Hi There - my client is using the servicem8 enquiry form embedded in an iframe in his website. Am I able to remove the logo from the form and even better inject my own css to style the form elements?

Wordpress Integration

I am making a website for a client and we have integrated Google Reviews into the website. However, most of the reviews are via the Service M8 app and we would like to integrate this. Do you have a plugin or app that can do this on wordpress?

How can I identify where the add-on is added.

When an Add-on is added to any account, we authorize it by generating the access token and refresh token. { "access_token": "your_access_token_here", "expires_in": 3600, "token_type": "bearer", "scope": "read_customers read_jobs", "refresh_token": "your_refresh_token_here" } We receive this output, but we cannot identify where our Add-on is added as we do not receive any location ID or anything similar.

CIS deductions

Hi, We are based in the UK and have to include CIS as a deductable. We were given the advice that we should add it as a second line and deduct it. This was working well, until we realised after affecting our taxes, that this results in Quickbooks not tracking our CIS deductions correctly. On QBO there is a specific box that you have to enter this tax into. Does anyone know how to make this work please?

Pipedrve and Servicem8 integration - Custom field in webhook payload

Hi. We are currently doing integration between Pipedrive and ServiceM8. We are trying to make it happen when updates are made in ServiceM8, it will also update back it Pipedrive. Like closed job and update status field as Won in Pipedrive. Question: Would webhook API also include the Deal ID custom field in webhook payload? Thank you.

Service m8 not loading on desktop app or andriod browser

Your useless app wont load the Dispatch Board. I have tried multiple browsers on my phone and used your desktop app, but it still doesn't work. It has worked on my phone in the past.

Contact details not being saved from jobs being created using the API

We create jobs using the API. It populates the JOB CONTACT details, but these are not being saved against the CLIENT record. This means that when a customer is rebooked, only the Customer Name and Job Address is being populated. When jobs are added using the New Job button on the desktop or the app - it works fine. Are we missing a step somewhere in the API process?

Offering Services Packages Through ServiceM8

Hi serviceM8 community. I'm a current serviceM8 client who loves the software! I'm looking for a solution to offer Service Packages (think pre-purchasing a set amount of hours at a discounted rate that can then be used in the future for any of our services) to customers but ServiceM8 currently doesn't offer that type of functionality. I need a way to promote, offer and sell the product (ideally through my website), and then track customer purchases and use (as they use the hours). For example: Today a customer purchases a "package" of 5 hours of our service at a discounted rate. Then one later week they call us and need us to come help them with a job that takes 1.5 hours leaving them with 3.5 hours left in their "package". The following week they call us for a job that takes 3 hours leaving them with .5 hours left in their "package". Is anyone already doing something like this or something similar through ServiceM8 (via a workaround) or using another piece of software that either does or doesn't integrate with ServiceM8? Really hoping someone can offer any guidance or suggestions. Signed, A frustrated small business owner. :)


Hi Are we able to use use Zapier to send quotes and proposals generated in Servicem8 through to QBO?