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Wordpress Integration

I am making a website for a client and we have integrated Google Reviews into the website. However, most of the reviews are via the Service M8 app and we would like to integrate this. Do you have a plugin or app that can do this on wordpress?

Get uuid based on generated_job_id

I don't have uuid only have generated_job_id how can I use this field to get uuid?

GA4 and Form fill out.

I have read the whole help section about how to do this. But for some reason its not showing up in my analytics as an event. What I'm a suppouest to do? I really need to track conversions and send them to AdWords so i can do my campaign properly.... <br /> Please someone help

Job specific assets

Hi guys, I have spoken to the hell chat regarding an issue I’m facing with customer assets on specific jobs. The issue I face (which I have been lead to believe is something that cannot be changed) is that when I generate a job and turn any asset badge on regardless of which one, all the customers assets are added to that job for inspection. What I am trying to achieve, is to be able to allocate specific types of assets to an individual job. For example, yearly inspection of fire extinguishers, when attempting this I not only have the fire extinguisher assets to inspect on the list but also the client fire hydrant and fire hose reels (which is done at a different time in the year). Any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Jake

The way clients' names are listed

I can't seem to work out why each time I raise a job, it seems to be a lucky dip as to how it shows up. Sometimes it will be JOHN SMITH, and other times it will be SMITH, JOHN. I am sure I'm taking their details the exact same way each and every time, and yet it just continues to manifest whichever way it chooses. Okay for names like JOHN SMITH, but when they're names that aren't so obvious, my staff on site get confused and call customers by their surname accidentally. Please advise what I might be doing to cause this.

ServiceM8Trigger when a new quote is generated, sending job data to Google Sheets

We have developed a custom integration between ServiceM8 and Google Sheets. A webhook is set to trigger when a new quote is generated, sending job data to Google Sheets. However, the webhook is causing issues, and the integration stopped due to an "Invalid Token" error. We initially set up the integration on July 30, and it worked perfectly from July 30 to August 8. The issue began occurring after August 8. Note: We are passing the refresh token when calling the API to refresh the access token, and it works fine most of the time. However, occasionally, we encounter the following error. We developed the integration using PHP. If needed, we are willing to share our script with you. Note: The script functions without any time limitations if we do not use the webhook. The API returns the following error: json { "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Missing parameter: "refresh_token" is required", "current_date": "2024-08-13 08:42:48" }

CIS deductions

Hi, We are based in the UK and have to include CIS as a deductable. We were given the advice that we should add it as a second line and deduct it. This was working well, until we realised after affecting our taxes, that this results in Quickbooks not tracking our CIS deductions correctly. On QBO there is a specific box that you have to enter this tax into. Does anyone know how to make this work please?

API for downloading Videos

Is there any integration or API that able to be linked with SM8 that will search for and download pictures and videos from jobs without having to go into each individual job?

Integration error - Invalid JSON Response Received

Hello. My addon activates just fine, and even gets the event details from the API; however, regardless of what I return (nothing, JSON, a full HTML page, or pieces of HTML) I get the following error in the modal window/iframe: Invalid Response Received Invalid JSON Response Received I use Self hosted web service function and also try external integration too. Can you describe more about what kind JSON format need to return? can you give an example? Thanks

Custom CSS

Hi There - my client is using the servicem8 enquiry form embedded in an iframe in his website. Am I able to remove the logo from the form and even better inject my own css to style the form elements?