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import photos on app stripping File meta data

Our client requires GPS info in the meta data of all photos we take. I've done some testing and it appears using the import photos action in the app may be stripping the meta data from the files? If I upload a photo manually it keeps the meta data when downloading but if I upload multiple photos via the import action option on the mobile app they appear to be missing when we download. Could you investigate please or confirm a workaround? Regards, Paul Scott Office Manager

There is no file attached in job notes

Trying to download attachments through a third party add on and it is not recognising that there is files in the job notes even though there is, can someone please advise a solution to this. It use to work perfectly but recently it has stopped working, it would download all recognised files in the job diary and it will be stored on my webpage server to download, however now when i click download button through a add on the job window, it does not recognise any files in the job diary ?

Zapier - 'create job'

has there been any change to the API within the last few days? our zap to create job is no longer functioning. I've checked all auth connections and it all looks sound.

Is there a way to generate an api key in servicem8 without using add on or app?

I am trying an integration with servicem8 that will allow me to transfer data to airtable using basic auth username and password. but when I subscribe to the webhook endpoint. It gives me authorization required error .

API Request limit 180 per minute

Hi, we have many users using our CRM system to push jobs through to ServiceM8. The issue is, because of the sync constraint of 180 per minute our queue is not going down, in fact it's getting bigger at 50,000 pending update in the queue. We need help to solve this problem as our installers are not seeing jobs for days. Any suggestions?

Any recent changes to Webhook data?

My application has started throwing errors recently as it doesn't seem to be receiving the Job details any more. Have changes been made and if so where are these documented? My webhook subscription has: $object = "job"; $fields = 'uuid,status,active,job_description,job_address,date,billing_address,lng,lat,generated_job_id,queue_uuid,category_uuid,queue_expiry_date,queue_assigned_staff_uuid'; Latest response is: {"object":"Job","entry":\[{"uuid":"XXXXXXXXXX", "changed_fields":["status","work_order_date","edit_date"],"time":"2024-06-04 05:42:57"}], "resource_url":"https\:\/\/api.servicem8.com\/api_1.0\/Job\/XXXXXXXXXX.json"} I'm fairly sure this used to have the values as well as the fields that changed.

Quote info to Google Sheets

Hi there, I was wondering what the best way possible way for me would be to get a “live” sync or automation to get Quote info to a google Sheets row every time a quote is generated. What i need is every time a quote is produced a new row is created in google sheets with the customer Name, Date of Quote produced, Job Number, Pdf file ( if possible) and quote amount. Does anyone know if its possible and if so if anyone would be-able to assist in doing this for me.

Open External Link When click on custom button in job board

Hi Support, I am developing an SDK Add-on for my client. The requirement is to have a "Download Attachments" button for each job. When clicked, all attachments in the job notes should be downloaded to the local computer in a ZIP file. I have written the code in PHP that accepts a job UUID and downloads all the attachments for that job. The script works perfectly. I have successfully created the "Download Attachments" button using the manifest.json file. Problem: I am unable to trigger my PHP external URL when the button is clicked. My goal is for the button to open a new tab with a URL like "<https://www.domain.com/download_attachment.php?uuid=xxxxxxxxxxxx">. Note: I have already posted this query on the developer discussion portal. I received a response with the link <https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/your-first-add-on>, but it did not resolve my issue with hitting the external link. I would be very grateful for your assistance in resolving this matter.

Webhook Issue

Hello ServiceM8 Team, We are encountering an issue with setting up ServiceM8 webhooks in our ServiceM8 integration on Pabbly Connect: [ServiceM8 Integration](https://www.pabbly.com/connect/integrations/servicem8/) . Specifically, we want to know if it is possible to use separate webhook URLs for different Job events in ServiceM8. For example, can we configure one URL for the Job Created event and another URL for the Job Status Update event? Additionally, if we add a new webhook, will it overwrite any existing webhook of type 'job' in our ServiceM8 account? Could you also clarify what the fields parameter should be for the following events, as shown in the image below? - Job Status Completed - Job Queued - New Job - New Form Response ![](https://files.readme.io/f7af52f-image.png)

Assets & Forms

Hi SM8 Team, Is there a way to complete a form for an asset on a desktop, or is this feature available only on mobile? It would be great to know if this capability might be added in a future update.