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Feature request: SM8 Phone Call audio recording download

Hi there, we are using the "Phone Call" add-on and want to analyse the audio recordings via a 3rd party software. Is there an API endpoint I can download the audio recordings? I can get a list of recordings via `https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/phonecall.json`, but I can't see a way to get to the actual audio file. Any input on how to get to this audio file or to a roadmap on when this will be available would be very helpful. There've been 2 questions regarding API access for the SM8 Phone Call in the past in this forum, but there was no answer at all. This really leaves 3rd party developer out in the cold, especially because the official support for paying customers is not helpful either and just mentions to ask the question here. So an answer would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your hard work on the API! Best, Martin

Accessing Specific Job Notes Data via API

Hi, I've been working with ServiceM8 API to pull information from Job Notes, and I've come across a couple of areas where I could use some guidance. 1. These notes get created by using the addon called "Supplier Invoice Import" and it provides the Invoice No and the Amount. We found out that we can directly extract the attachment of the invoice import by using the attachment API, however, it would be easier if we can directly grab the extracted information from the Notes. 2. Additionally, we want to extract SMS messages that are sent and received within the Job Notes. However, we haven't been able to locate an API endpoint that supports this functionality. Any advice or pointers on how we might access this data would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!

Custom Styles

We are developing a large addon and would like to use our styles. Looks like when we are loading our plugin the styles (CSS) are being overridden, how do we prevent this?

How to add custom field in Servicem8?

How to add a custom field in Servicem8?

Gmail spam

Hi, My replies to customers are going straight to their Gmail spam. Why?

Issues with the custom template

I have created custom invoice/receipts/quote templates and it's such a hit and miss. I follow the instructions and use the available fields as per the list provided and yet the template doesn't come out the way it needs to be. For example: I input «job.contact_first» «job.contact_last» and I get the whole thing including the job site address and main billing contact details. I have downloaded multiple different documents to copy and paste from, I have created it from scratch and it's just so temperamental. I can download the template and upload the exact same one untouched and it will add fields that I did not request for. Can you please guide to someone who can explain this or is it a software glitch? Thanks, Lyn

Second Branch - central phone number

Good Afternoon, Can we have a central number like a 1300 or 13 number for incoming calls with our head office landline as the outgoing number?

Zapier Error- Dev_file

I have setup zapier to send emails to specific staff members when a certain action is triggered on service m8. But one error I keep receiving is "While requesting "dev_file" from ServiceM8 we ran into an error: The app returned "None"." The staff on site service the clients equipment. If the equipment is found to be non-operational they will note it on their form. Zapier picks this up and sends an email to the manager an attached the said form. What is strange it sometimes it will trigger and send without any issues, then all of a sudden I will receive a few of these errors. To the point where Zapier switches that Zap off. I have done a similar zap on various other forms and also receive this error sporadic. So its not the specific form itself that is causing the error. Zapier support tell me the error is being generated from service m8 server and not from them. If anybody could maybe assist or point me in the right direction?

revenue mismatch from service8 UI and API fields

Hello, I trust this message finds you well. I've encountered a discrepancy in the revenue calculation while using a Python script to call the <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json> endpoint. The specific field I'm utilizing for this calculation is named 'total_invoice_amount.' However, upon comparing the numbers generated by my script with the ServiceM8 UI, I've noticed variations in the monthly revenue figures. I'd appreciate your guidance in identifying any potential oversights or discrepancies in my approach. For your reference, I have attached a screenshot from the ServiceM8 UI, showcasing the place from where I am taking revenue numbers per month that I am comparing. Your assistance in resolving this matter is highly valued. Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there's a specific aspect I should reevaluate. Thank you for your time and support. ![](https://files.readme.io/76b0b63-image.png)

Quoted jobs doubling up once accepted to work order & how to create reports

Hi, How do we go about once a quote has been accepted and booked making sure the job isnt doubled up. We are finding that the job is being accepted but sitting on original day of quote request even though the booking date has changed to when the work is to be completed. So we are having two work orders being created instead of the system removing the original and moving it to the new booking date. <br> Also how do we create reports for our plumbers to complete while on site where they can add information and photo's so that they can be send with the invoice. So our invoices look streamlined. We purchased one from your shop but it wasn't working as the format was constantly doubling up the images.