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When using the api to add an attachment to a job it is marked as inactive and is not showing in the job

Even using the API reference to test is as show here has the same results var options = new RestClientOptions("<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json")>; var client = new RestClient(options); var request = new RestRequest(""); request.AddHeader("accept", "application/json"); request.AddHeader("authorization", "Basic REDACTED"); request.AddJsonBody("{\"active\":1,\"related_object\":\"Job\",\"related_object_uuid\":\"98e0214e-6061-4437-bfde-206884498f5b\",\"attachment_name\":\"TV Version.png\",\"file_type\":\".png\",\"attachment_source\":\"M:\\\\RFMS\\\\Swift\\\\\",\"uuid\":\"4429a30b-c2af-450c-983b-20688a951e4b\"}", false); var response = await client.PostAsync(request); Console.WriteLine("{0}", response.Content);

Add online bookings addon to the API to trigger on new form filled

Would you be able to add online bookings addon to your api-so it triggers when an enquiry/booking is made?

When using ".file" extention on attachment request I receive "0" response status

I need to download all jpg's attached to a job. I have a excel sheet that stores all the UUID's of the attachments and I cycle through each of the .jpg attachments with the following requests: base_url = "<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{attachmentUUID}.file"> xmlhttp.Open "GET", url, False, M8Username, M8Password With the ".json" extension I am able to view all the attachment of a job but when I use the ".file" extension all I receive is a status of "0" and no response data.

API type mismatch - total_invoice_amount is sometimes string, sometimes float

I am having a real issue getting an API custom connector in PowerApps to work with Servicem8's API. The Custom API Connector in powerapps will only take one field type in the json response for each field. But apparently, somewhere in my jobs list, some jobs have total_invoice_amount as a "string" type, and some are returning a "float" type. This completely breaks the API connection and I can't even start developing my app. Anyone got an idea what's going on? Seems like a serious issue on the sm8 API side. I was able to handle other weirdness like some booleans being an int, some string, some boolean. But I can't handle a type mismatch in the returned data itself

I need to refresh servicem8 page or job module using progamitically into custom addon

I have one custom addon, i want refresh job module on my custom button into custom addon. Please provide me solution

Parameter 'item_is_inventoried' in Materials has differing data type

The parameter 'item_is_inventoried' in Materials API is integer when POSTing, { "active": 1, "item_is_inventoried": 0 } but is returned as string from GET e.g. { "uuid": "09b06ae8-bcf0-4a93-97a9-200eec12234b", "name": "Name - Description", "price": 150, "active": 1, "barcode": "", "item_number": "Item Code", "cost": 100, "quantity_in_stock": 0, "price_includes_taxes": 0, "item_is_inventoried": "0", "edit_date": "2023-06-23 15:52:12", "tax_rate_uuid": "3c861989-4b4e-42fe-afe7-200ee61cd39b", "item_description": "Name - Description", "use_description_for_invoicing": 0 } This will create a clash with data types in API users class definitions. I suggest this is made consistent and integer would be the correct option as it follows suit with all other API boolean fields.

Xero removal

Just wondering if we have to have a Xero subscription with ServiceM8 as we primarily just use serviceM8 invoice tracking system and stripe to receive invoice payments. If we don't have to have a Xero account connected to ServiceM8 what are the negatives that we will suffer?

Integrating Freshsales suite with Service M8

I'm trying to connect Freshsales suite with Service M8. Below is the action we’re looking to perform : Whenever a deal is created in Freshsales Suite a web hook is triggered to create a job in Service M8. I have generated the APP Id and App Secret , but I’m not sure where to provide the authentication details to connect the two applications .

Invoice information api

Is there any api for get invoice information web api? <br>

How to get all the jobs in the system with api?

The list endpoint only gives me 9 jobs which are not all the jobs I need I want to have all jobs what would be the endpoint