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What purpose does the job field READY_TO_INVOICE serve?

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to pull together a list via API of jobs which are completed but not yet invoiced. The trouble is choosing which field to filter my API call by STATUS = "Completed" - returns too many positives INVOICE_SENT = "false" - returns too many positives I had the idea to filter by jobs READY_TO_INVOICE however by default the jobs keep a value of "1" even after they have been invoiced. My next thought was perhaps once the jobs are invoiced to change READY_TO_INVOICE from "1" back to "0" so these jobs don't reappear when I filter by READY_TO_INVOICE Can anyone share any insight on whether this will have adverse effects on other things?

How to retrieve staff leave via API call?

Hi, Is there any API endpoint to retrieve staff leaves information? Thanks

API create methods only one at a time

Trying to add clients via API ended up at about 5 min per 200 clients. Its around 4 secs on average to add a Job with minimal JSON. Why not extend the API create methods to accept an array of Clients/Jobs etc to save all the round trips? Also the bulk import of Client data doesnt accept client UUID like the API does. This means you can only use the API if needing to preserve UUIDs that link client to jobs etc. The account clean up wizard could also entirely remove records rather than marking as inactive so developers can test easier. I have had to create multiple test accounts while testing ServiceM8.

Is there a way to create a zap to create a job

hi looking to zap in a job but its needs to be able to use a job template, is this possible?

How to retrieve manage service data

Hi, I am using service 8 API. Now I am not able to get manage service data from API. Can you please tell me which API can provide this data. I have attached screenshot of manage service' data. Please check it and let me know. Here is screenshot: <https://prnt.sc/ueBwOSLosx4q> Thanks.

interactive screen

cant seem to use the touch screen on interactive screen to drag and drop jobs etc, will only work via mouse.

Addon API request method

Been following the documentation and sample addon 'showcase-addon'. This returns error message: Invalid Response Received No Response Received Have done lots of debuggingg to see whats up but seems that calling this just fails: request(options, function (error, response, body) {... I can embed vanilla API calls in the Addon frame source using Basic and Oauth Bearer methods (below) which are successful. Ideally API calls should be made serverside so would like to know why the SDK method 'request' is not working? ``` const Basic = async () => { const response = await fetch('https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job/xxx-fd18-4f8e-8ca5-20169bf518cb.json', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'authorization': 'Basic xxxx', 'accept': 'application/json' } }); const myJson = await response.json(); console.log("Basic: " + JSON.stringify(myJson, null, "\t")); } Basic(); const Bearer = async () => { const response = await fetch('https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job/xxxx-fd18-4f8e-8ca5-20169bf518cb.json', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'authorization': 'Bearer 75803-apse2-xxxxxxxxxx', 'accept': 'application/json' } }); const myJson = await response.json(); console.log("Basic: " + JSON.stringify(myJson, null, "\t")); } Bearer(); ```

More than 10 items on the "service report" inbuilt into service8?

I'm not a developer, servicem8 has pointed me here as this is my last resort on being able to persist with servicem8. I need to be able to produce service reports using something akin to the inbuilt feature in servicem8 but with 30 or so responses per asset. The inbuilt system only allows 10. I have not had much luck getting any definitive answers/results and Servicem8 can only really direct me here or to their partner directory. Is there a way to be able to do a form per asset with about 30 questions as a maintenance checklist, and then at the end of the job have a "service report" compiled from all of the forms like usual, but showing the answers to all 30 of those questions per asset? I don't think I care if we do a portion of the work is done outside of servicem8, so long as the asset shows a maintenance check has been done in its history, some of the asset information is populated onto the service report and the service report is created and put into the job diary when the job is completed. Can anybody solve my problem for me?

API - Job Created Date

Hi. I can't seem to find the date that a job was created in the data model. On job.json there is a "date" field but it doesn't have the time component. I can determine who created a job from created_by_staff_uuid but can't find when it was created. Am I missing something really obvious? Thanks in advance.

Quote showing $0 in follow up

Hi I have entered price in the quote which shows a dollar value, but on the auto email follow up it shows as A quote for $0 has been sent to you , yet price is in quote.