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Return Paramenters

In the response body where you create a job it returns an ok code. It doesn't give the UUIUD or the Job number so we can't map it back to anything. This is severely limited what am I missing when I create a new job how can I see what job number was allocated?

Intergration of my CRM system with Sm8

Currently, I am trying to integrate my leadflow of clients from my Facebook to my CRM system so we can send them a newsletter etc How do i go about this? Currently, I had little joy from SystemHubs Support telling me i should try and find out on this forum Is there any way of doing this even if we use a 3rd party app like Zapier? Maybe somebody is doing this successfully

Is there a list of all rest API's

Is there any published list of all rest API's?

Webhooks: "Please specify an object for subscription"

I am trying to create a webhooks subscription in the api with the following body: { "object": "job", "fields": "uuid,active,job_address,billing_address,status", "callback_url": "my url" } I keep getting this response, even though I've specified the object: { "success": false, "message": "Please specify an object for subscription" } I've tried varying job, Job, JOB, etc but same result. It's doing this for all object types. Could I be doing something wrong? Thank you.

Not able to see Company Contacts

Hello Support , This is Regarding integration of Birdeye with ServiceM8. I am working on Lead/Contact writeBack to help serviceM8 to find its potential customers which we found at Birdeye Platform. I can see that in the Client Section of the dashboard it is showing only contacts who are created via Job . I want to know does it show all possible Company Contacts on the dashboard ???. I have created few Company contacts using Curl -> curl --location '<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/companycontact.json'> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Basic dGlsYWtyYWoucmFvQGJpcmRleWUuY29tOkJpcmRleWVAMTIz' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data-raw ' { "active": 1, "company_uuid": "79a31fdd-21b6-4ebd-8fb5-208d8344da9b", "first": "Abhinav", "last": "K", "phone": "4034398348", "mobile": "54480984398", "email": "[abhinav@gmail.com](mailto:abhinav@gmail.com)", "type": "JOB", "is_primary_contact": "yes" } ' but the contact which i created using this API those are not showing on dashboard. would be looking forward to your response. Also it would be great it you can share a Support Email so that I can clarify all my doubts about the API support and all . thanks Regards Tilakraj

Calling the job material list via API (Python/Zapier)

Hi there, I have a zapier integration that is meant to be calling the job materials list from servicem8 when a job gets assigned to a specific que. I can trigger the action when the job lands in the que and pass it along to my python script which is meant to provide a line item array of all the materials filtered by the uuid of the job which triggered my zap. I am able to return only the first entry in the material list. Any idea why the rest of the array is being truncated? e.g my python script: ``` import requests # 'jobuuid' is the field containing the UUID in the input_data job_uuid = input_data['jobuuid'] url = f"https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/jobmaterial.json?%24filter=job_uuid eq {job_uuid}" headers = { "accept": "application/json", "authorization": "Basic MYCREDENTIALS" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: materials_data = response.json() # Return the materials_data to pass it to the next steps in Zap return materials_data else: return { "error": f"Request failed with status code: {response.status_code}" } ``` This is my return: ``` uuid: ccec4318-0077-4082-a309-410abb46e9c5 tax_rate_uuid: da374289-575b-4e78-bb6a-1de9409945cb quantity: 1.0000 name: Bunnings inv. 2016/90315302 price: 61.9800 active: 1 displayed_amount_is_tax_inclusive: 1 displayed_amount: 61.9800 edit_date: 2023-09-19 14:42:36 job_uuid: 5d88a6c0-05c7-434e-86ef-200d2f1ffd6b material_uuid: 16434f99-94d1-408c-aadb-f7337fcddc3b sort_order: 0 cost: 56.3455 displayed_cost: 61.9800 id: RqNp2R6aEc50ExK10lucvpcXishvE2A5 runtime_meta memory_used_mb: 47 duration_ms: 710 logs ``` I was expecting a json array to be returned however I am only getting which ever material is at the top of the list. Really hoping I can generate the full list, would have really useful stock reordering applications. Thanks for any help! Nate

Options for Job Status

Hi SM8 Team, Will there be a future release that includes more options for job status? If any other SM8 users have advice for our situation, it would be greatly appreciated. Say we have a service inspection set to recur annually, which appears as a Work Order when it comes up. Since it is not a quote, unsuccessful, or completed, we cannot distinguish between jobs that are complete and ready to be invoiced and marked as completed, or those that are yet to be scheduled when we run a history search for all open work orders.

Customised reports

I would like to know if I can customise templates for our preventative maintenance and service reports or can map these in Developer on word and do you include the coding if I export the current documents.

Special chars in Client name

When importing clients via bulk csv, double spaces and colon (:) chars are removed from the name. When I use the web app to change the client name to something like "Test :,./;'\[]-=\<>?:"{}!@#$%^&\*()\_+" the client list shows the client name without the colon. Click "Open Client" the colon is present in the client name field. When querying the API, colon is omitted as well. { "uuid": "c35f5a4a-81f7-41c0-93d5-200ee177b01b", "edit_date": "2023-06-22 21:06:10", "name": "Test ,./;'\[]-=\<>?\"{}!@#$%^&\*()_+", "website": "", "abn_number": "", This inconsistency is creating a massive problem for my clients data import.

Inbound and Missed Calls API

Hi All, Wondering if anyone's found a workaround in getting an API generated for the Inbound and Missed Calls taken in ServiceM8 so we're able to export this information into Wink.