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If - then logic

Would it be possible for you to add "if - Then " logic to the pricing questions in the service module. ie if the answer to a question is yes then go to next question, if the answer is no go to a different question. I would be willing to pay for this adding as a custom development.

Is it possible to create the client using api in trial account?

Is it possible to create the client using api in trial account?

How to use a Shortcut in iOS to access the API

I'd like to be able to update the inventory across some disjointed applications that don't talk to each other, but I'm not sure where to find the API reference for using a key or a login. Ideally, I've used API keys as part of a URL, and then added data headers. I'm not sure where to look. I've gone through a ton of the API documentation and the overviews and haven't seen how to do it.

Job Status

Hi, When a quote gets accepted and turns into a work order. Is there a trigger I can use for this?

How to test a Servicem8 custom add-on under development on the mobile app

I'm working on creating a custom add-on for Servicem8. While it works in the dispatch board within jobs on the web version, I'm struggling to locate the same add-on within the mobile app. Can Servicem8 support this feature on mobile, and if it can, what's the process to enable it?

Tracking equipment

I guarantee my labor on the equipment I worked on for 30 days. My customers may have dozens of pieces of equipment on the property that I would service. I need to be able to select one or multiple pieces of equipment from the list and "tag" it as worked on for that particular work order. I did not see this capability on the website. Do you have this ability? Thanks.

Format of Exported Services File

Would ServiceM8 please publish the format of the exported services file so we can edit an upload to easily create new services, without having to rely on humans not typing in errors? My client wants to make a list of over 100 services available, based on different regions.

How to get the job details from ServiceM8 to Zoho CRM?

Hi folks, I'm trying to push the job details from ServiceM8 to Zoho CRM when a job is created. However, I'm not sure what endpoint to use to get the **Email, Name, Phone, and Mobile**. This one is a good example, however, it does not have the above details I need: **curl -u email:password "<https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job.json?%24filter=company_uuid%20eq%20'10420f98-7626-4405-bf43-043f1036623b'">** Also, if you can please suggest a way to get the job details pushed to Zoho CRM (Webhook, Rest API, etc), I would highly appreciate it. I'm not a programmer, so every step that I take here would require me a lot of research. Please make it layman's. Thank you!

i get all attachment data through this Api https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{uuid}.json but i want to see the attachment

i get all attachment data through this Api https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment/{uuid}.json but i want to see the attachment

API - Create a new Job

I am using JavaScript to create a new job via the API. The documentation states that "a UUID will be automatically generated for the new record and returned in the response header as x-record-uuid". When I examine the response headers the only keys that are available are: cache-control content-length content-type expires Can anyone please shed light on where I can find the UUID? Thanks