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Service m8 forms populated with wordpress form information

is there a way of us using standard contact forms on our wordpress sites and using servicem8 API system can the forms within service m8 be automatically be populated with the information from a wordpress contact form

Geocordinates in new Job via API

I already have coordinates for jobs so when I add via the API, they are overridden by a search on the address. If I make the address invalid eg "job_address": "crap address ", "lng":171.34470269," "lat":-42.09278384, ...it defaults to the head office location "lng": 174.7644881, "lat": -36.8508827, What is the usage of lat+lng paramaters in the job create API? <https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-job-create>

What is the turn around time?

What is the turn around time for API Conx Privilege that can servicem8 give to us?

Does SericeM8 have Job Template API access?

Hi There, I am trying to build a connection between Airbnb and ServiceM8 Is an API for job templates, so when a booking is made in Airbnb a job can be scheduled from job templates in ServiceM8

Link Developer Account with Normal Account

Hi All, We have 2 separate account on servicem8 - one developer account and other normal account. Is there any way we can connect the two accounts with each other. Basically there is a custom addon linked to our developer account and we are looking for a way to move the addon to the regular normal account. Is there a way to do it? Thanks

API migration

Can an API be used to allow Square POS system to migrate with Servicem8 customer database? Thanks

Is is possible to create trigger for when job category is changed?

I want to create a trigger which fires every time job category is changed. "Job" Category implies it's a Job object but I don't know which fields should add for webhook subscription. Like in the case of job scheduled we use field activity_was_scheduled. Please guide.

Is there a size limit when creating forms?

We have created a new form, made the pdf template, and when saving it appears to time out or unable to save. The following error comes up "Unable to produce template. You need to have internet connectivity to produce templates". We have internet, and it only does this error on this particular form. What is the size limits for these forms?

Permission Error When Accessing Camera in Servicem8 Add-On Using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia()

I am developing an add-on that requires camera permissions to enable users to add images and scan barcodes. However, I am encountering a permission error when trying to access the camera. This issue only occurs when running the add-on in Servicem8, while it works fine in other environments. The specific line of code causing the issue is: ```javascript navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video:true, audio:true }) ``` This line is supposed to prompt the user for camera permissions upon a button click and then activate the camera. The problem persists across both desktop and mobile versions of the Chrome browser. What could be causing this issue? Is it possible that Servicem8 is blocking the camera permissions? Here is the minimal code necessary to reproduce the problem: ```Text html <button onclick="accessCamera()">Access Camera</button> <script> function accessCamera() { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video:true, audio:true }) .then(function(stream) { /* use the stream */ }) .catch(function(err) { /* handle the error */ }); } </script> ```

Relationship between Upcoming jobs and staff assigned to it

I have a few question associated with one another, so I am putting it out here... 1. /job.json gives all old passed jobs, what should I do to get upcoming jobs too? 2. In the same api above, I would like to fetch the jobs assigned to me i.e. the logged in user. How do I achieve that?