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GA4 Tracking

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has been able to get GA4 tracking to work with ServiceM8 website form. Thanks

I accidentally deleted a client, how can I restore it?

I accidentally deleted a client, how can I restore it?

make API calls for a clients enviroment

Hello, I would like to make an api call to fetch jobs and job materials from a clients environment however i am logging in via the partner program portal and do not see a way to use the basic auth (username and password) how would I go about authenticating apis calls?

Security_Role_UUID does not get updated via API

Hi, We discovered that the "security_role_uuid" field (https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/staff.json) does not get updated on Creating New/Updating Existing staff via APIs (e.g. https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-staff-member-create or https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-staff-member-single). All other fields seem to update fine, but the "security_role_uuid" field seems to be the only field that is not responsive to a value being passed for an update. Could you please check and confirm on your end? Thanks, Andriy

Disable 2FA for Private Application access

Hi, I am developing a private application for a client. Their staff have 2FA enforced due to being connected to Xero, can they still use the private application with the Basic bearer token? or is there a way to disable 2FA and restrict access for a sudo staff member to have API access only?

Delivery Order

Hi, is it possible to add-on the delivery order feature?

Assigning service name to job number

I need to find a way to get a report that shows the service name/type from the services add on, and to have it linked to the correct job numbers so I can work out which services are more profitable for the business. I know that there are ways to do it as I used to use a 3rd party program that was pulling that data from serviceM8 for their custom reports, but I have not yet been able to find anything in the openAPI that allows for this, there is no custom field in the jobs API that shows the Services uuid or any of the other public URL's I have managed to find the services API that is similar to the Category API under the URL <https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/service.json> So i was wondering if there was a specific endpoint that I needed to call that is not showing on the website? Any help would be greatly appreciated

how to get materials to transfer to billing on existing job card?

materials selected by a customer in a "service" (self serve) automatically transfer to billing section of job card if you convert the "service" when it arrives as an inbox enquiry. When you receive the service as an inbox enquiry and opt to "attach to existing job" (not convert to new), the materials are not transferring to the billing section of the existing job card- how do i connect this?

How to send attachment in API?

Weird Dates on Invoice Tab (dd/mm/00)

I have a problem with the Invoice Date that coming from our app to ServiceM8. It seems there are some jobs that are being assigned as dd-mm-00 on the invoice date. Can you give me some details about how this happens? Thanks!