Auto Badge Allocation
I see in the api documentation that you can automatically allocate a badge. The default is set to 0, I assume that the string required is 1, it updates the badge but doesnt seem to work in servicem8 when I have tested it. I have a client that has a form that is required to be completed on every job, and they want to automatically allocate the badge so they don't forget. Is this what this function does? and what string is required to be entered to enable it if it is correct
Need webhook when a new job created
Hi, I need to get data for newly create job using webhook. Could you please let me know how I can get that?
"Make Visible to Client" available in API
I would assume this is a field of some type related to the Attachment.
webhook field subscription issue
I have checked in api documentation and found that there is no webhook for contacts, so can you please let me know that is there any other way to get the contacts data on update any contact field? I have also subscribe the webhook for job fields and if I have update the job field than I have got the job response but did not get the contact data of that job. Is there something wrong with the subscription?
Please let me know about it.
Create Job and Update Job Module
Is Create Job and Update Job is the same? If the UUID parameter from the Create Job does have a value? I tried running it in the API Reference, it did succeed but when I was doing an API call on my code the values didnt change in ServiceM8.
VENDOR phone numbers?
Is there a reason the vendor phone numbers are missing from the API?
Webhook POST Response
Does anyone here know how to get the HTTP response on webhook in C#, I have a response content-type x-www-form-urlencoded but in a form of JSON. I can't get the resource_url parameter.
attachment filtering on edit date does not work
SMS doesn't support accented characters
Hi There,