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Unable to catch the payload with Challenge on it using .NET

Good day sir/ma'am, I'd like to ask how do catch the payload with Challenge on it using .NET? I've been trying various solutions. I already tested my API and works fine using Postman. Both Query Parameters and Response Body are NULL upon checking on logs. Please assist, thank you! Lorenz Moya

Service M8 SMS System

Just wondering if I'm able to change the name of the serviceM8 sms system. For example when I send a text through ServiceM8 it texts my customers from ServiceM8. I was wondering if I could change it to be my business name?

"Work Order" job_status not updating via API

When updating a job the strings for "Completed" and "Unsuccessful" both update perfectly however we are having an issue updating the status of a job to "Work Order" using the SM8 API. I've checked in the dev portal and can see that indeed "Work Order" is the correct string as anything else is rejected. Am I missing something or is there other data relating to a job that has to be completed before it changes to work order?

How can I join email to job via APIs

I create Jobs using APIs. And also send emails using API related to jobs. I need to know is there a way to connect that email to relevant Job? because currently there is no relation between Job and Email.

Unable to add Materials

Hi, I have been having problems adding Materials to my list, currently, I have 555 items. Every time I try to add a new item, it would just freeze and not save the item. How do we rectify this? Thank you.

How to run this API?

Hi I am working on servicem8 "query" API method Example (find all Completed jobs): syncModule.query(‘Job’).where(‘status’).equ als(‘Completed’); but its not working anymore. Anybody help me to sort out this problem? Thanks

Client Creation Issue

Hi, I tried to create a Client using the API callback , however , the address details do not get registered for that client. Also , the 'name' property is a unique string , how do we handle the case when the same company makes a job request from two different addresses? Please let me know if the issue is resolved or there is anyway to bypass this problem. Thanks, Rish

October 2020 Update for Developers?

Any changes for developers? Thanks, Craig.

s_auth URL Parameter where to get or assign value?

Hello, I have a question regarding the s_auth parameter in every URL. example https://eu-west-2.go.servicem8.com/dbo_display_v2?&s_strObjectName=company&s_auth=1ea6b7b228a250cecdc483b118242877 Is there a way where I can set or make the value static, or maybe any endpoint that will return me the value for s_auth? I'm having a trouble redirecting into a page the project I'm working on since the value of s_auth changes every time I log in. I hope that make sense. Thank you in advance.

Data SEcurity

Hi there, How safe is our data that will be uploaded into the app, its very sensitive, and is used for auditing purposes. There is alot of sensitive data. i.e identity medical etc.