Impersonation Issue
Users have started getting the following error: {"errorCode":400,"message":"invalid_impersonation","additionalDetails":"Invalid Staff Member Impersonation. The specified staff member is not able to log in"}
Accessing the 'Action Required' list of jobs through the API
Hey team,
how to have Developer link in the main menu in a normal account?
how to have Developer link in the main menu in a normal account?
Where to get Admin Time of a job from the API?
Hi there,
Not being able to save jobs
Hi, unfortunately our system is not letting us save jobs. It says to check internet connection however I have tried on different networks and devices and still the same error message.
Offering Services Packages Through ServiceM8
Hi serviceM8 community. I'm a current serviceM8 client who loves the software! I'm looking for a solution to offer Service Packages (think pre-purchasing a set amount of hours at a discounted rate that can then be used in the future for any of our services) to customers but ServiceM8 currently doesn't offer that type of functionality. I need a way to promote, offer and sell the product (ideally through my website), and then track customer purchases and use (as they use the hours).
Possible way of embedding form directly on website
Hi, Is there any possible way to embed form directly on website pages instead of just linking button on website pages? Actually my goal is to submit form directly from website instead of redirecting users to servicem8 form.
Timestamp on jobs - calendar
Hi there - I understand the timestamp on a job is based on the timezone set in the ServiceM8 settings? To display correctly on the users calendars this works? Or do you see daylight saving issues? This is definately the case when using the externalcalendar addon. Where there is conflict between UTC/GMT(london) ?
Internal server error 500
Hi team,
Contact details not being saved from jobs being created using the API
We create jobs using the API. It populates the JOB CONTACT details, but these are not being saved against the CLIENT record.