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Recurring Jobs API

Hi, I need to retrieve a list of recurring jobs via API. Could you please confirm if this is possible? Thanks, Andriy

How long does a webhook take to fire?

I have extensively tested all the executions timings in my lambda function and it takes at most, 2 seconds. The whole operation is taking well over 10 seconds though sometimes 15+ I understand AWS has bad reputation for very slow warm up time for lambda functions but is there a significant delay in the time an action is fired through the mobile app to when ServiceM8 fires the web-hook subscription?

Staff.json returns gives 500 error

Hi, When we try to post to the 'staff.json' API endpoint we often get returned a 500 Internal Server error from ServiceM8. We are posting the following fields: active, first, last, email, mobile, job_title and security_role_uuid. We are authorising using basic auth. Often we will get returned the 500 Error for the first 1 or 2 tries, then it will subsequently work as needed. In recent cases I have tried 8 or 10 times before giving up. The exact error being returned is as follows: Server error: `POST https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/staff.json` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: {"errorCode":500,"message":"Internal Server Error"} UTC timestamps for examples of this are: 2019-08-07 08:00:44, 2019-08-07 08:09:13, 2019-08-07 08:09:28, 2019-08-07 08:52:38. Hope this can be rectified Cheers

Typo on Event Data Page

https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/sample-event-data#section-input-provided For the event name property with Web Hooks, it says that the property value is webhook_subscription, but it's actually Webhook_Subscription . (When called with Lambda at least.)

Webhook subscriptions disappearing

Hi there, We're encountering an issue where webhook subscriptions are disappearing after a couple of days. I've checked and we're sending 200 status codes and our service has been continuously available. I asked if your support team could check the logs on your end, but I was directed to post a question here. Any guidance would be of great help.

Remove a Job from a Queue?

How should a job be removed from a queue via API?

Search via URL

Is it possible to have an application launch a browser and by providing URL parameters show search results. We have a softphone application and currently have a mechanism on incoming calls to launch a browser, go to a url with a parameter set to a phone number. For example : https://go.servicem8.com/dashboard?&s_auth=fffffffffffffffffff&find=0412555555 This would launch a new browser tab, show the dashboard and pop the search screen with the search results pre-populated with 0412555555.

Extracting Data from ServiceM8

I would like to get a report which shows the quoted sales / labour hours / total materials on a job and then the actual invoice / labour hours / materials used on the job.

JOb Board

HI We are wanting to be able to see just the dispatch board (showing everyone jobs for 2 months. Are we able to open this on google or any other calendar? or is there add on available. We have a big screen in the office so everyone can see jobs running, however it only shows one month at a time

Add Material/Service item lookup

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to hijack the "Add Material/Service" feature when creating a quote to query an external, 3rd party api rather than querying the existing database. And if this is possible, how are the quote items stored in the database? Presumably they will be in a separate table but is it a foreign key linking back to the inventory table or is the price information stored separately thus allowing prices to be changed for new orders without modifying existing orders? Cheers, Phillip Little