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Webhook events no longer working on edit_date field for Company and Job?

Hi Guys, I've raised this as a ticket, but was asked to post it as a discussion item. It seems that since the 12th of February, webhook events are no longer being sent on changes to the edit_date field for at least Company and Job objects? At least to AWS Lambda serverless addons, which is what I'm using. Creating a new job or client triggers fine, but editing values in an existing object (such as the description for a job, which also updates the edit_date field) via the web interface or servicem8 app doesn't work anymore? What's changed? The documentation used to say to use the edit_date field with webhook subscriptions to be notified when an object had any field value change, but I cannot find that anymore either.


Hello. I am a Daylite consultant in the UK and have been helping my clients to get the most out of Daylite for the past 17 years. I wonder if you can help me. I believe that there have been some developments within ServiceM8 to work on some integration with Daylite via the API. I wonder if you can provide me with some details about this. also, I have a client (Solar PV electrician) who is currently interested in Daylite and I am considering suggesting ServiceM8 to him as they also use QB. I look forward to hearing from you.

2fa Restrics Http Call for authenticatrion

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Company ID

Hi Thank you for your previous respond. May ii know how to retrieve my company ID? Thank you Best Regards Sam

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GET the total number of jobs for the last 30 days

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