API Automated Backup of Data
Job Scheduled As MailChimp Trigger
Our wait times can be long. Therefore we have a MailChimp series that sends periodically to let the customer know they have not been forgotten. We need a method to stop the MailChimp series when we finally get the job scheduled. i.e. when we schedule the job we need a trigger to tell MailChimp to stop. If we can't do it via the simple act of scheduling, we also send a manual email template confirming the time, if the sending of this could be used. Alternatively, if the act of scheduling or sending this email could add a badge to the job (we could create a new "Scheduled" badge), could the addition of this badge be the trigger? Or some other way?
Access to Online Booking answers?
Is there a way to access the answers given by customers when they do an online booking?
Where could I see the custom fields if created succesfully via API?
I did oauth 2.0 and created a custom field for Job which was 200 OK request. But I could not see it on UI. Will it be visible only when have values?
Bulk import of thousands of jobs
Hi team,
SM8 Form Questions linked to Word Doco Standard Forms using Conditions
Have a standard microsoft form with 4x questions, 2x text questions and 3x photo's on a standard form and am wanting to do the following:
Create Job and Link with Clinet
I have query regarding create job and link with the client. let me explain
Creation of Job Materials via API
Trying to create Job Materials via the API and am met with this error,
Can we get Client Sites data via the API?
Hi, just wondering if we can query the Client Sites data via API GET request? I wasn't able to immediately able to find the answer in the developer section.
Client Sites is an add-on: https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/202023544-Client-Sites-Overview
Can you customise or create a new badge