What is the REST API name to access Leave records for staff?
Retrive Admin Time from API
Hi All,
API vs Zapier integration with PropertyMe
What would you recommend would be the bet solution to integrate PropertyMe with ServiceM8?
Would this be through API or Zappier?
Separating Name field into First and Last Name
Query available booking times/dates through API
I am looking at building a custom form on my website which enables a customer to make a booking directly into the Servicem8 system as the generic form is not suitable for my business.
Simple Function Logging - no new activity showing up.
I have a simple function addon that's running. I know it's working, because it makes notes in jobs. But the "Function Event Log" button doesn't show any activity since 2019?
API 400 error
I'm trying to integrate servicem8 using oauth so my clients can use it, currently my scope is read_customer_contacts, read_customers and manage_customers and i have a developer account and i'm trying to manage another trial account
API integration with 3CX phone system
Hi there
Does your API integrate with 3CX phone system?
automate job creation
Is there a way to change the "created_by_staff_uuid" for a job created through Integromat integration or make the integration create the job based on the staff uuid of the operator that took the call?
Hello. I am a Daylite consultant in the UK and have been helping my clients to get the most out of Daylite for the past 17 years.
I wonder if you can help me. I believe that there have been some developments within ServiceM8 to work on some integration with Daylite via the API.
I wonder if you can provide me with some details about this.
also, I have a client (Solar PV electrician) who is currently interested in Daylite and I am considering suggesting ServiceM8 to him as they also use QB.
I look forward to hearing from you.