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Webhook POST Response

Does anyone here know how to get the HTTP response on webhook in C#, I have a response content-type x-www-form-urlencoded but in a form of JSON. I can't get the resource_url parameter.

Creatinf Webhook Response Success Error

Hi there, I'm building an add-on for a client and need to setup a webhook. When I return the challenge, I get the following message: {'success': False, 'message': 'Invalid callback challenge key returned'}. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Quoting Calculator

One of my clients who uses Service M8 is looking to quote for bathrooms whilst with a customer. He is initially going to start with a limited range of bathroom options and this will grow over time. He has considered the possibility of creating an e-commerce website which could integrate with Service M8 or whether Service M8 has the functionality now or needs further development. Your help would be appreciated, please. My telephone number is 07709 247 560 and I feel it would be easier to explain the requirements via telephone rather than email. I thank you for your kind assistance with this.

Adding Job to Queue via API not working

Set a job allocation in ServiceM8 and it appears in the queue, but then did a second job allocation via API with same parameter values (except job_uuid, of course) and that job does not appear in the queue. Suggestions? edit_date: "2020-07-26 21:04:03", active: 1, job_uuid: "34a6e5c6-6679-4ed2-a787-1be64e561acb", queue_uuid: "4eb82481-d10f-4b92-ae6a-323e4603846b", staff_uuid: "", allocation_window_uuid: "ff0bb824-3da9-4104-b171-b7e4f28c85eb", allocated_by_staff_uuid: "7f748af3-a932-49e8-b8ac-8ed04ea5b54b", allocated_timestamp: "2020-07-26 21:04:03", expiry_timestamp: "2020-08-01 00:00:00", read_timestamp: "0000-00-00 00:00:00", completion_timestamp: "0000-00-00 00:00:00", estimated_duration: "0", revised_duration: "0", sort_priority: "0", requires_acceptance: "0", acceptance_status: "0", acceptance_timestamp: "0000-00-00 00:00:00", allocation_date: "2020-07-24 00:00:00", uuid: "acb5ce71-7f83-4917-bd05-1beb6dee164b"

New job link

is there a link that can open service m8 on a new blank job card? basically I'm trying to to make a link where if I click on it it can open the new job window ![Service m8.JPG](https://files.readme.io/9660ab6-Service_m8.JPG) if it can include filling in the phone/mobile number that would be a huge plus as well

WebDav Calender publishing

Hi, is there any web of publishing the servicem8 calender on a web URL? I integrate my calendar with my outlook and then tried publishing it on WebDAV but this calendar won't let me. We have an Airtame 2 device connected to a monitor is our office and we want to broadcast a URL that will have the calendar broadcasting the weekly schedule.

Forms Question concatenation

I am interested in using ServiceM8's Forms addon, however, I have found that Question titles are concatenated after only 30 characters. The Question title cannot be longer than the width of the screen. If we wish to have a larger title for a Question, we need to put it in the Additional details section. The problem with that, is it displays underneath the answer area, rather than before. I feel this is a major flaw in the Forms design, and that Question titles longer than the width of the screen need to wrap to a new line, or a question's Additional details needs to display above the answer area.

Custom App Commission

Good Afternoon, We are looking to have a custom App developed for ServiceM8 that would work somewhat similar to the currently available "ServiceM8 Networking" app. We currently utilize a Subcontractor company to complete some of our works. As they send out their own team, and utilize ServiceM8 for their internal team scheduling, we would be looking at having the functionality of ServiceM8 Networking, but to also have it able to much easier share completed forms, and any updates to the job that happen /after/ the networking has been done. At current, we often have two team members go to a job - for example one team may be the roof team that goes on Monday-Wednesday to complete roofworks, then the electricians as our subcontractors would then go on the Wednesday-Thursday - at current, if our roof team puts any pictures or details on our ServiceM8 - we cannot then share that easily through Networking to our electricians subcontractors without manually doing it as a message - we would be wanting this to be automatic.

attachment webhook not accepted?

When loading a Manifest that includes a webhook for attachments, I get the error "Invalid Addon Manifest. object 'attachment' does not support webhooks " This is with a Lambda Addon type. I've also tried attachments and Attachments. "webhooks": [ { "object": "job", "fields": [ "uuid", "edit_date"] }, { "object": "company", "fields": [ "uuid", "edit_date"] }, { "object": "jobactivity", "fields": [ "uuid", "edit_date"] }, { "object": "jobpayment", "fields": [ "uuid", "edit_date"] }, { "object": "attachment", "fields": [ "uuid", "edit_date"] } ]

Lambda/Serverless not supported for Menu Items in the App? (Docs says it should work)

It looks like Menu Items for Lambda events are not supported in the App? It works fine for the website version. When adding the Manifest for an addon, the documentation (https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/manifest-reference#section-menuitems-event-mandatory-) says that a menuItems[event] is mandatory and to provide an event or actionURL. (What's an actionURL?) But setting an event parameter causes an error in the manifest registration. When it's set to addon, it works fine. (As in available from the addon menu in the website version.) Setting an actionURL seems to be accepted, though there's no documentation about what that is. (Based on a hint from the error message.) For the menuItems array, having an item like this works fine: { "name":"Test", "type":"addon", "iconURL":"https:\/\/www.blah.com\/servicem8images\/icon.png", "event" :"eventName" } But changing the type value to app fails. { "name":"Test", "type":"app", "iconURL":"https:\/\/www.blah.com\/servicem8images\/icon.png", "event" :"eventName" } with the error "Invalid Addon Manifest. Cannot combine type 'app' with event field for menuItem" This doesn't seem to match the documentation. Any idea/suggestion on how we can use Lambda with app's more menu? I've raised this as a ticket already, but haven't heard back.