Why wont invoices approve?
Trying to approve invs and it just keeps trying and wont go through???? Tried restarting and nothing
Identify Scheduled Job deletion
I have setup a webhook to trigger on job scheduling activity.
Custom Field API Help
Service M8 SMS System
Just wondering if I'm able to change the name of the serviceM8 sms system. For example when I send a text through ServiceM8 it texts my customers from ServiceM8. I was wondering if I could change it to be my business name?
As a wholesaler im trying to PDF Invoice Integrate
Can the SM8 API interact with Recurring Jobs?
Looking to create and track recurring jobs via SM8 API, can't see how this is possible though? My conclusion at this point is recurring jobs can't be touched by API?
Error logs and reports
Is it possible to get or set up error logs? I get reports of clients attempting to use the online booking form but they get errors.
403 error when trying to retrieve attachments (Oauth2)
I am getting a 403 error (Insufficient Scope) whenever I try to retrieve attachments via an Oauth2 connection.
The error message says ""read_attachments" scope required to complete this request"
Is there an API to fetch and display customer reviews?
I have a client who uses ServiceM8 and wants to display customer reviews on their website with a custom look-and-feel as opposed to the built-in widget.
ServiceM8 and DEAR Inventory
Has anyone successfully integrated ServiceM8 and DEAR? If so how please? I am aware that by using Zapier, you can create 'triggers' to perform 'tasks' between both systems but wondering if there is a better solution/s out there that has successfully been set up?