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Where is the link between JobID and StaffID of person who completed the install

Hello, One of our programmers is accessing the API's to download the data for us to aid in our reporting requrements and we are having issues trying to find the correct data required. The Job Master file stores the job details and the JobUUID identifier, but what we require is the file and the join to the file that can identify the staff member/user who performed the install. The JOBACTIVITIES table has a list of activities and the StaffUUID against the jobUUID but these can have multiple people against the job - we need the flag that identifies which staff member did the install at the job. For example in the Job Activities for job 455 we have the following staffid's showing activity -- How do we identify the one who did the install, what other fields/files do we need to use? 5DEDAEF7-DAA7-4C6F-9A8D-301C7D8D00AB 0B0DD66F-A1F0-418C-A6A0-32855E374CCB 5B998FA5-FA02-4169-98FF-72B67C9D6F4B C3A9EB96-4256-43C4-A304-B1183382F0BB EBBB6749-A894-402F-AD74-B8A30583B09B 5BA09A04-D614-4790-963A-D5DA66E989DB Thanks

Export invoice data to Excel/CSV

I logged this with support recently and they advised me to post here. Is it possible to export invoice data into excel or csv format so that we can import it into our finance solution (TechnologyOne). The only export that is currently available is in the reporting section and doesn't give us the required information. Given that servicem8 integrates with other popular accounting packages i would have expected to be able to export the data we require. Would it be possible to discuss the development of this feature?

API Automated Backup of Data

Hi, Is there a way to setup an automatic download a backup instead of manual through API? Thanks

Job Scheduled As MailChimp Trigger

Our wait times can be long. Therefore we have a MailChimp series that sends periodically to let the customer know they have not been forgotten. We need a method to stop the MailChimp series when we finally get the job scheduled. i.e. when we schedule the job we need a trigger to tell MailChimp to stop. If we can't do it via the simple act of scheduling, we also send a manual email template confirming the time, if the sending of this could be used. Alternatively, if the act of scheduling or sending this email could add a badge to the job (we could create a new "Scheduled" badge), could the addition of this badge be the trigger? Or some other way? Many thanks in advance. Happy to pay for a solution.

Access to Online Booking answers?

Is there a way to access the answers given by customers when they do an online booking?

Where could I see the custom fields if created succesfully via API?

I did oauth 2.0 and created a custom field for Job which was 200 OK request. But I could not see it on UI. Will it be visible only when have values? Thanks

Bulk import of thousands of jobs

Hi team, We're a consultancy with 1000's of recurring jobs (mainly quarterly and annual), we're aware you can't bulk upload jobs at the moment but that will cause is considerable pain manually adding each recurring job. Support asked if I could pose the question here if it's possible, given the correct format, that we could provide a csv of all the jobs which could then be injected one time into the system?

SM8 Form Questions linked to Word Doco Standard Forms using Conditions

Hi Have a standard microsoft form with 4x questions, 2x text questions and 3x photo's on a standard form and am wanting to do the following: 1. Be able to skip all 9x questions i.e. 4x questions inserting a tick into the field code on the microsoft form and skip the other 3x questions. 2. On the same SM8 form questions. Answer 'no' to the first question, which allows each of the 4x questions to be answered individually choosing yes, no or n/a inserting this information into the standard microsoft form Can SM8 do this as it is presently is OR will something need to be built? Please advise much thanks Suzanne

Create Job and Link with Clinet

I have query regarding create job and link with the client. let me explain basically I just want - Fetching my customers - Adding jobs for them Question :My question is how we can link the created job with the selected client ? Fetch list of clients with the given api : https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#get-client-all Create job with the given api : https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post-job-create Please provide your's comment

Creation of Job Materials via API

Trying to create Job Materials via the API and am met with this error, Provided displayed_amount is incorrect. Expected [13] In the post, if I change the displayed amount to be Quantity * Price (which is the displayed amount anyway). I'm met with a different error being that my inc/ex GST prices aren't a match or something. This is my current post: {"active":1,"quantity":"3","job_uuid":"JOB UUID HERE","price":"13","name":"STD Bin","displayed_amount":"0"} Please note the "JOB UUID HERE" actually contains the JOB UUID and isn't just plain text. Also tried adding 0 & 13 to the displayed amount, none of which worked.