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How to Revoke Connection using API

Hi, I have connected a application of service m8. How to Disconnect or Revoke Connection? Regards Akash

Available Job Appointment ENdpoint

I have checked your API reference but finding it difficult to locate the endpoint to get the available appointment times/dates

Language support

Hi Is it possible to translate all labels from english to hebrew ? I am willing to pay for these work. Regards Amir

Error logs and reports

Is it possible to get or set up error logs? I get reports of clients attempting to use the online booking form but they get errors. Being non-technical people, they are unable to give me specifics of the error but a log would hopefully point me in the right direction.

Changelog ?

I am looking for the changelog for the ServiceM8 API.


Job 648 in account NSWtest@fujitsugeneral.com.au When I fetch this job the created_by_staff_uuid Value comes back as being set to “ecd1b563-6fc2-415e-88b0-d1167f16f17b" Against the expectation that it should be “e9915a23-5cc9-4800-a62d-688408832a4b" (for the user “nswtest@fujitsugeneral.com.au”). When I fetch the user for ecd1b563-6fc2-415e-88b0-d1167f16f17b To see by whom the job was created it returns “Register Webhook”. That user is not a user we have a logon for. So that’s weird! So I must assume that when I make multiple JSON calls simultaneously and possibly a webhook registration happening the same time as a job creation i.e. via two requests at the same time, that on your end SM8 code uses the current user variable static in some manner and sets it to “Register Webhook” user for the webhook creation call, but if a job is being created at the same time , the job ending up with created by “Register Webhook”? Looks like a thread safety/timing issue to me. Strange enough if the job wasn’t created by our account then it still showing visible in the job list? So it’s like in the account but not created by the account? Can you have a look at the job, possibly find another explanation why the job is marked as created_by_staff_uuid with the uuid of the “Register Webhook” user and fix it to not do that again? It matters to us because when we process updates coming back i.e. receiving webhook, then JSON request the data, we look at the data and integrate respectively whom it was created by. i.e. if it was created by NSW test then we do x, if it was created by QLDtest then we do y… if it was not created by any of our integration accounts we dismiss the data assuming it was created manually and no record would be found on our end that would match it anyway. However there is no way for us to create a job for the “Register Webhook” user.

Zoho CRM and Servicem8 to create a job. Problem is the customer name is not allowed to be mapped. And if put manually loses details of the one we integrated (like job contact and billing contact)

I have integrated Zoho CRM and Servicem8 to create a job. Problem is the customer name is not allowed to be mapped. When I manually input the customer name in servicem , all the details of job contact and billing contact is lost therefore losing the purpose of integrating it. How can we fill the customer name (after integration) without losing data on job contact and billing contact?

Online Enquiry form in a different language. API

I've been directed here to inquire on if someone can build me the online enquiry form in the french language and have leads sent to the same place as english ones within servicem8? I would provide the copy, its only a handful of lines of text! thank you Phil

Link with our CRM is not working

PLease can you sort out this issue ASAP as the link between our CRM - ACTIVE and Service M8 is not working for nearly 2 weeks now - we have been in touch with Activve and they said its from this side - none of the deals are transfering over and need to be created manually with no job history and is really impacing our working day!

Job Completed Emails

Hi, Regarding Job Completed Emails, what is the best way to set it up? Is there a way to opt out of sending this email for specific customers? Cheers, Daniel