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Create notification or message in the inbox

Hi there I have two questions: - First, is there an API that can create a notification or a message in the inbox? - Second, is it possible to open the Create Client(or the Create Job) wizard programatically? I have a phone system and when an operator answers a call, I would like to open this wizard with the data from the phone system. And if the client exists, the existing client information should be opened. Thanks in advance for the info.

interactive screen

cant seem to use the touch screen on interactive screen to drag and drop jobs etc, will only work via mouse.


Hi - Can you please let me know if we can link our account to airtable

Job creation via api

hi can I post a job with a specified job number using the API I want to create a job via API that has a (job number, job name, customer, startdate, descrition , status, contact name) can you help me with this please

Timesheet information

Hi, I'm building a data pipeline to sync our data into a data warehouse, and I'm almost finished. It follows the [Singer specification](https://www.singer.io/) so I'm actually going to open-source it once complete. I just can't see timesheet information anywhere in the API reference - is this job activities, or something else? I'm sure this information is accessible somewhere as we're currently using Wink reports (who use the ServiceM8 API) to get the data out and they have timesheet information. Cheers

Client Creation Issue

Hi, I tried to create a Client using the API callback , however , the address details do not get registered for that client. Also , the 'name' property is a unique string , how do we handle the case when the same company makes a job request from two different addresses? Please let me know if the issue is resolved or there is anyway to bypass this problem. Thanks, Rish

JOb Board

HI We are wanting to be able to see just the dispatch board (showing everyone jobs for 2 months. Are we able to open this on google or any other calendar? or is there add on available. We have a big screen in the office so everyone can see jobs running, however it only shows one month at a time

Alternative Payments Integrations

Who would be the appropriate person to contact regarding adding a potential payments integration as an alternative to Stripe for your customers? Thank you!

Stripe Reference for linking payment with ServiceM8 job - API

Hi there, We are wanting to use both Stripe and ServiceM8s APIs to download and link transactions for our reports. Having spoken to Stripe, they have told me that ServiceM8 will know how the handshake/reference works so we can link them within SQL as well. We basically want to marry up the job and payment details from ServiceM8 and Stripe to our SQL and we just need to know how to link both references. Thanks, Patrick

API issues

I wonder if you anyone could help me out with this message: I am using core php to get Servicesm8 With API. can you please tell me the flow to retrieve Servicesm8 form data with API. are there any API endpoints when we use service addons? servicem8 provide only button where servicem8 generate tracking id with the help of google and Facebook Pixel ID. servicem8 not providing here iframe code and API. Please click to link but after login you can access this link: https://ap-southeast-2.go.servicem8.com/PluginSelfServeOnlineBooking_Setup?&s_auth=ed747d90f77ce488471c51aedfb62f34