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How to identify single Check In event recorded against the job

Hello, We are looking for the number, First time Fix rate, it's the percentage of jobs updated to a ‘Completed’ job status where there is a single Check-In event recorded against the job. But how to identify a single check-in event from Jobs. Let me know if you need any more details.

Intergration into Tap clicks

hi there i am trying to integrate in to tapclicks , the options dont seem large the easiest way seems via FTP is that a posible ?

Invoice Sync with MYOB ARL Premier 2019.4 failing - is this because I use locations for inventory in MYOB?

Hi there, I have an issue where ServiceM8 sync is not working the wheel is just spinning around under the column "Sent to MYOB''. I have inventory locations turned on in MYOB - does ServiceM8 support inventory and locations? Regards Renae

CORS Disabled!!! Please Fix!!!!

Hello, I have multiple integrations that are currently broken due to the proper CORS headers not being present in any response. I am guessing this is not on purpose, and another related question has been asked; I am just trying to get more visibility. This is severely hampering business operations. Check HTTP configuration maybe? Thanks, Jared Spencer

500 Internal Server Error when removing badges

We're using Integromat to check for badges and remove one if it's found. It works perfectly on one scenario but we keep getting a 500 error code for the second one. What could be causing the issue? I cannot find differences in the two.

ServiceM8 Phone Call History using API

I want to get ServiceM8 Phone call history using API. Can you please send me the link to that endpoints? Also, does phone calls API provides webhooks? I also want to create a Post using ServiceM8 API. Please share the link of that endpoint also.

Editing the online booking forms?

I am trying to install the online booking form on my website but was wondering if i can edit the form to suit my requirements?

CRM integration

Is it possible to allow bookings entered into another system to appear in our Servicem8 schedule and also our bookings appear in theirs. The system that we are trying to sync with is SAP C4C.

live diary on my website

is this possible

Times to be transferred to Bamboo HR directly

Hello, We are using Service M8 for a job management CRM but we require times clocked in and clocked out by employees to be sent to a system that can generate a timesheet to be approved a manager so that this can be sent to Quickbooks payroll for approval. I linked our account in with Deputy because of this but would rather it links directly with our HR system called Bamboo HR. Is this possible as they have an open API? I look forward to your response. Kind Regards Grant Joyce