
Ask a Question

Available Job Appointment ENdpoint

I have checked your API reference but finding it difficult to locate the endpoint to get the available appointment times/dates


Webhooks Subscription Getting lost

Hello, I just wanna ask about the subscription of our server to ServiceM8. I keep on subscribing our Server to ServiceM8 three times since December. There will be a time when I perform a GET Response, the webhooks that I subscribed is lost. then after 2 months, it will be lost again. I just wanna know why does this happen.

Home Office Location - How to change?

I need to change our home office location on the map to our new business address. I cant see how to change it can someone please help. Thank you.

Issue with access_token and refresh_token inside servicem8

This is my code to get the access token and refresh token. The webhook I created was working fine around 3 days ago but suddenly stopped when the access token expired. It wasn't able to fetch the refresh token. Can some help me figure out what I am doing wrong. Has somebody faced similar issue when doing an integration. The token.json file holds the information about the access token, refresh_token. Is it a code issue or is it an issue with the Servicem8. Note: The token expires after 3600second. The webhook seems fine I believe.

booking reminders

When trying to apply the badge to each client to send booking reminders it keeps saying the name must be unique and is unable to apply the badge.
I have included all last names etc so that there is no duplicates of names.
How do I make a unique name so that the badge can e applied?


Can you customise or create a new badge


Using the API to intergrate a 3rd party schedule

Redirect uri

Hi all,

Connection Error

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel


Endpoint Update

Require guidance over the following point: