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booking reminders

When trying to apply the badge to each client to send booking reminders it keeps saying the name must be unique and is unable to apply the badge. I have included all last names etc so that there is no duplicates of names. How do I make a unique name so that the badge can e applied?

How to determine payload related to which client

Hi, How to determine payload related to which client. { "object": "job", "entry": [{ "changed_fields": ["badges","generated_job_id"], "time": "2015-01-01 00:00:00", "uuid": "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013" }], "resource_url": "https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job/de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013.json" } If we get response from payload like this. Regards Akash

combine jobs

Is it possible to combine 2 jobs? we have initial workorders that often result in us then quoting for parts. The quote becomes a workorder once accepted. Can we bring that info into the original job?

UTM tracking on invoice and quote link.

Hi everyone, I would love to get UTM tracking implemented with ServivceM8, ultimately to be able see the sources/channels that revenue is coming from. I have had a look and can only see the ability to do so using customer checkout with an addon. This obviously isn't viable as I imagine it wouldn't be for most trade business's. I am wondering if there is a way to get UTM implemented into the quote and invoice link? Has anyone looked into this and found a resolution? Or spoken to ServiceM8 about it. Surely this is a simple feature they could be interested in implementing? Any help is much appreciated!

Job update via api not displaying

I am working on an integration and I am having trouble with the very end of the integration. After sending the update, if I pull up the record https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/job/{uuid}.json, the fields reflect the data that I sent in the update, however, if I open the job in Service M8, the new values are not displayed the old values are. The fields include 3 custom drop down fields, the dropdown status field, as well as the job description text field. The only evidence that something happened is that there is a green C with job completed status (because I sent the status= Completed), and a note. Can you provide any insight as to why the data is not displaying in the fields within ServiceM8?

Query Staff Availability

Is it possible to query staff member(s) to see when they have availability? Thank you.

Add-on status still 'Processing'

I updated my add-on w/ a new manifest.json file hours ago (this morning), but its status is still 'Processing', and when I try invoking my lambda function by clicking the add-on button, I see the error (in Cloudwatch logs) that {"errorCode":403, "message":"insufficient_scope", "additionalDetails":"\"read_job_contacts\" scope required to complete this request"} But that scope is part of my updated manifest file, which shows that the add-on isn't updated yet. Why's it taking so long to process?

Company API filters return empty results when special characters are used

When using the Company API with name filter and the checked value has special characters like ' or & the results are empty. I've double checked and company I'm looking for exists. I've tried encoding the name but still receive an empty result. For example: Raw string: Stephan D'Maria Encoded string: Stephan%20D%27Maria Has anyone experienced similar issues and provide information how to approach the problem?

Create Job and Update Job Module

Is Create Job and Update Job is the same? If the UUID parameter from the Create Job does have a value? I tried running it in the API Reference, it did succeed but when I was doing an API call on my code the values didnt change in ServiceM8.

Company end point race condition

It looks like if multiple create requests are made to the company create endpoint at the same time with the same name property set both can(incorrectly) succeed. There is a constraint on the ServiceM8 side that normally prevents this but I somehow have the same companies with exactly the same name created 1 second apart from each other. Subsequent requests to the update endpoint also fail until I delete one of the records.