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Custom Global Invoice.Quote/WO - Data Mapping

Hi, Has anyone else reported issues with some of the Global Invoice/Quote/WO template fields not bringing in data? I am have trouble with 3 specific fields; «job.work_done_description», «jobMaterial.name» and «jobMaterial.quantity». All other fields in my form are mapping fine.

Can't post to custom fields - got object_name is required?

But i have post object_name in body params.

Authorization Error

Good Day, The API does not prompt for credentials when I run my Web Application. These are the things I tried: • Clear cache and browser history. • Clear saved passwords. The error states Authorization Required. Regards

AddOn Directory query

We are a reporting addOn in the Xero Marketplace (https://apps.xero.com/au/app/datasights) , and we also have a growing number of ServiceM8 clients.Would you be able to confirm we can follow your documentation to be added to the AddOns Directory, pending the necessary approval of course? We don't want to extend the ServiceM8 UI, just allow customers to automate ServiceM8 data to Excel / Power BI / Google Sheets from ServiceM8 via your API. Happy to build an Auth2 integration into our platform if available, or whatever other requirements you have, just let us know! Any help or assistance would be much appreciated. Kev Wiegand 0481501763

SMS via API not always delivered

When testing sending SMS via the API, not all SMS are sent/received. Of about 6 tests, I received 2. It seems to happen even when nothing about the request is changed. Is there a way to troubleshoot what might be happening?

Redirect uri

Hi all, I am new to developer mode, and am stuck. For https://go.servicem8.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=99999&scope=manage_customers manage_jobs manage_job_queues manage_badges&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmyapp.example.com%2FHandleOAuth Where do I find myapp.example.com ? Thanks in advance

Webhooks Subscription Getting lost

Hello, I just wanna ask about the subscription of our server to ServiceM8. I keep on subscribing our Server to ServiceM8 three times since December. There will be a time when I perform a GET Response, the webhooks that I subscribed is lost. then after 2 months, it will be lost again. I just wanna know why does this happen.

Add-on manifest that appears both 'online' and 'app'

Hi, I'm working on creating a new add-on that appears in the job card on the online version and the app version of serviceM8. However, I'm having trouble the action to appear both on the online servicem8 AND the serviceM8. I can get it appear on one or the other by changing the action type in the manifest to 'online' or 'app' according to the documentation that you have. Your documentation said that if I want to add multiple types I'd have to add another action. This hasn't work out for me since I don't think I have it right. How do I fix this? Below is what I have. "actions": [{ "name": "web app", "type": "online", "entity": "job", "iconURL": "https://images.g2crowd.com/uploads/product/image/large_detail/large_detail_1db906bcf97a44c5901d2fea0428cf1f/callrail.png", "event": "Hello_World_Event_webapp" }], "actions": [{ "name": "App", "type": "app", "entity": "job", "iconURL": "https://images.g2crowd.com/uploads/product/image/large_detail/large_detail_1db906bcf97a44c5901d2fea0428cf1f/callrail.png", "event": "Hello_World_Event_app" }]

Query available booking times/dates through API

I am looking at building a custom form on my website which enables a customer to make a booking directly into the Servicem8 system as the generic form is not suitable for my business. I need to understand what the available fields are, and in particular, how to query the available appointment time/date component through the API to list available booking times and dates on my website. I am looking to collect the following fields on my website: * Customer Name * Customer Address * Customer Phone Number * Customer Email Address * Customer preferred booking time/date I envisage the first four fields (name, address, phone number and email address) are relatively straight forward, however I need to understand how to get the available appointment times/dates from Servicem8 to display on my website for customers to select?

API for Network Request

Hi We use SM8's API to download data. Are we able to access network request through the API? I.e when you send a work order to a subcontractor? From what we can tell, the network request data seems to be on a restricted API.