
Ask a Question

Is there a way to display Property Owner client name details on the report form for a job instead of the billing contact?

Sometimes we work with companies who have clients that will need their information instead of the billing contact. So this information is entered correctly into the forms without messing the billing contact information. Is there a way to have a custom field for the property owner?

Access denied when trying to create document templates

I am trying to create document templates and i get the error

Access to custom staff sprite?


Add-on manifest that appears both 'online' and 'app'


Need to Create and Download CSV file for Clients data using custom Add-on

I want to create a custom custom on each clients . when I click on that button I can just fetch whole data for that client in CSV format.
According to my knowledge it will be done through Custom Add-on. Please help me by letting me know is this possible.

Custom fields added via the API, not appearing in the UI?


Invoicing and reporting - faster?

Hi, all. We currently use ServiceM8 for rental compliance reporting for Victorian property owners. The process of compiling reports and invoices is VERY tedious and manual. Has someone whipped up some API magic to get this to happen faster?

API / System integration


Automatic Add-on Pop-up

Hi there, through the JS SDK, it is possible to do three things: automatically open add-on window with open job card, move add-on windows to the side of the job card, and lastly, if a form is submitted on the add-on pop-up, refresh the job card with updated data?