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API end point stopped working

Job/Clent API end points stopped working.

Automatic Add-on Pop-up

Hi there, through the JS SDK, it is possible to do three things: automatically open add-on window with open job card, move add-on windows to the side of the job card, and lastly, if a form is submitted on the add-on pop-up, refresh the job card with updated data?


Can someone please help me. I need just the oauth2 steps to add to the start of my excel power queries as now 2 factor has been implemented they no longer work with just basic private log in.

Zoho CRM and Servicem8 to create a job. Problem is the customer name is not allowed to be mapped. And if put manually loses details of the one we integrated (like job contact and billing contact)

I have integrated Zoho CRM and Servicem8 to create a job. Problem is the customer name is not allowed to be mapped. When I manually input the customer name in servicem , all the details of job contact and billing contact is lost therefore losing the purpose of integrating it. How can we fill the customer name (after integration) without losing data on job contact and billing contact?

Invoicing and reporting - faster?

Hi, all. We currently use ServiceM8 for rental compliance reporting for Victorian property owners. The process of compiling reports and invoices is VERY tedious and manual. Has someone whipped up some API magic to get this to happen faster?

CRM Integration

We are looking for a CRM that will integrate with Servicem8 and Xero but keep the the bulk of the sales and contracts communication/data out of Servicem8 as we are concerned that it will bog down the system which we are currently using well for our Production crew. Can anyone please advise of options that are available? We are currently using Greenrope as our CRM but would be willing to change to another if the integration work has already been achieve.


"Unable to determine account code for configured clearing account"

"ServiceM8 is currently unable to create bills and transfers in Xero because of the following error - Unable to determine Account Code for configured clearing account."


Why error comes when we connect Service M8 account to my application. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Why error comes when we connect Service M8 account to my application. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Job card emailing

Hi, I have a few issues I need sorted ASAP for a clean and scalable system.

Add-on manifest that appears both 'online' and 'app'
