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Why can't I add my own domain name to the ServiceM8 website add-on?

I want to use the website add-on but it requires me to select and use a brand new domain name which is useless as I already own the domain name for my brand. I asked in chat and was told it's not possible but why can't I simply add dns zone records to my domain to point to the website add-on? Doesn't make sense.

"Unable to determine account code for configured clearing account"

"ServiceM8 is currently unable to create bills and transfers in Xero because of the following error - Unable to determine Account Code for configured clearing account." We have Xero linked to our Servicem8 account. We are getting this error message and nothing is transferring across to the Xero account. There is a Stripe Clearing Account setup.

Can we open a job window from the Client JS SDK?

Hey Guys, Can we use invoke to open a job window? What event and parameters would we need to provide? If not, how can we go about it? Thanks, Craig.

Read inbox via API

Hi there, We want to read serviceM8 inbox via API. Can you please let me know the end point to read inbox via API. Also is there any webhook setup that will trigger when any email came in serviceM8 inbox? Thanks

Adding a Marketing Source Badge Type?

Is there a way to set the type of badge that we create via the API? We would like to add extra marketing sources (and set their images - which I raised another question about.) Cheers.

Wrong error codes

Hi For certain vendors when making a GET request to the material.json endpoint i get the error "403 Invalid Staff Member Impersonation". I am not setting the x-impersonate-uuid header on this request and the request succeeds for most of the vendors I'm running it for. The request being run is the following (in PHP): $apiClient = new Client([ 'base_uri' => 'https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/', 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token, 'Accept' => 'application/json', ] ]); $response = $apiClient->get('material.json'); $result = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); Hope you can help with this. Cheers

Automatic Add-on Pop-up

Hi there, through the JS SDK, it is possible to do three things: automatically open add-on window with open job card, move add-on windows to the side of the job card, and lastly, if a form is submitted on the add-on pop-up, refresh the job card with updated data? Thank you.

Breaking change in JobActivitiy endpoint?

Hi There, It's been reported by one of our clients that some software we built for them has stopped working. I looked into why and found that the reason seems to be that the JobActivity endpoint has changed to only allow start/end times that start at 15 minute intervals. This means that where before we were booking all day activities as 12am - 11.59pm that now returns an error. Was this introduced purposefully and for a reason? This affects software for at least 4 of our clients but could be more. Is this a permanent change? Look forward to your response, Joe

Attachments Endpoint Returning 500

Hi there, someone who is using my attachment download add-on is returning a 500 when trying to access the attachment list endpoint. I tried it in Postman and got the same response. May I email you directly to troubleshoot the account? It works against other accounts. Thank you.

Can't post to custom fields - was working, no longer updating?

Sending JSON with: "customfield_Landlord" : "Bernard Burgess & Ruth McCrae" and "customfield_landlord" : "Bernard Burgess & Ruth McCrae" both will update the non-custom values - i.e. "name" - but not the custom field above. The custom field is visible on the "client" record but remains blank in the UI.