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Custom fields added via the API, not appearing in the UI?

Hi, Following the documentation, I added some custom fields to a badge using the API. The fields do not appear when the badge is added to a job? Is there another step necessary to have the UI update too? I can see the value and edit it via API calls. Cheers, Craig.

Create feedback link

Is it possible to create a feedback link via the API? Eg. https://sm8.link/pp2395w3

Get Client attached to a job

I'm building an integration with a third-party CRM whenever a new job is created, I want to transfer details of the job and the client to the CRM. The problem is I can't seem to get the Client details based on a Job. The Job object, when retrieving a job, doesn't provide a Contact UUID. Listing all Jobs does return the UUID. So, I tried using the 'Retrieve a Job Contact' with a filter on the job_uuid like so: /api_1.0/jobcontact.json?%24filter=job_uuid=%20eq%20'e5a6b41b-ad94-48ae-a23e-1cceda5f16cb' But I'm getting the error: [400] Invalid Record Filter Field Specified Can you tell me what the right approach is?

URL to link to a job or client from an external site?

In relation to https://developer.servicem8.com/discuss/5d9d06008dbd550011744b85 , is there a URL structure we can use that will open ServiceM8, with a specific job or client window loaded? This is to link from report type generated information. I've made a browser extension that does this, using the Global Search JS functions, but that's obviously undocumented and could change at any time...plus it relies on the extension being loaded.

completion_date being marked as NULL when Job Status is Completed

Hi there, We are coming across some API pulls that have job status marked as completed but the completion_date is NULL when we grab to SQL. Not sure if you can look into our account but an example is Job 2014. Can you let me know why this may be pulling down as NULL when the status is completed? Thanks, Patrick

Why error comes when we connect Service M8 account to my application. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Why error comes when we connect Service M8 account to my application. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

Need to Create and Download CSV file for Clients data using custom Add-on

I want to create a custom custom on each clients . when I click on that button I can just fetch whole data for that client in CSV format. According to my knowledge it will be done through Custom Add-on. Please help me by letting me know is this possible.

Job Contact Query Chain

I'm working on a lambda that pulls some information up that we can easily refer to when a client calls. From the generated job id, I am able to find the client (company id) and the job uuid. To pull up Job Contact details, I need the Job Contact uuid, what is the process of finding that? Thanks

Job Templates fetch from API

Hi, Is there public API access towards the Job Templates? Thanks, R, Koen

Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance.

Hi, I've followed your github video on how to make a simple function add-on but it gives me this error. Any help would be appreciated.