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Accessing the my shift feature via the API

Hi, Is there a way we can have access to the my shift feature via your API please?

Asset Issues

Is it possible to query reported asset issues with an API endpoint?

API setup

Hello, I wish to develop an API for posting all required data generated by the company I work for to an external SQL database. Writing the software to do so is not a problem, nor is using the APIs. However, I'm having trouble finding out where I can get hold of OAuth2 authentication details. Can someone please help me out or at least point me in the right direction. Regards, Sean

Error Adding Webhook

After having reviewed https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/webhooks-overview I am on https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/get_webhook_subscriptions Neither page tells me what to pass in the body of the Post call. I am trying this : {"object":"job", "fields":"status", "callback_url":"https://hook.integromat.com/rxxxxxxx"} but getting error message : Please specify an object for subscription what do I need to change for this to work?

Developer Account Expired?

My sandbox account, which has been running for a few years, is saying Account trial has expired, when using the API? The web client works fine with the same login. I contacted support, but they said to ask here? Any ideas? Thanks.

Service Staff Assignment

What is the API endpoint to retrieve Staff Assignment to a Service? I have found the service undocumented API (https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/service.json), however cannot retrieve staff assigned to be able to perform service from there. Thanks

Issue with my BSB number not showing up on my invoices although i have entered it into the Invoice template

I have had issues recently with my bsb not showing up in my invoices. I have made sure I entered the details correctly where it states BSB on the device template details. still no success with it displaying on my invoices?

Automatically update calendar when checking in and out

Hello, I am curious if it may be possible to automate the calendar to update when checking in and out of a job, altering the "scheduled" time to the "actual" time. Service M8 has been perfect so far, other than not being able to do this. Any help will be appreciated. -Liam

Unable to catch the payload with Challenge on it using .NET

Good day sir/ma'am, I'd like to ask how do catch the payload with Challenge on it using .NET? I've been trying various solutions. I already tested my API and works fine using Postman. Both Query Parameters and Response Body are NULL upon checking on logs. Please assist, thank you! Lorenz Moya

Webhook subscriptions disappearing

Hi there, We're encountering an issue where webhook subscriptions are disappearing after a couple of days. I've checked and we're sending 200 status codes and our service has been continuously available. I asked if your support team could check the logs on your end, but I was directed to post a question here. Any guidance would be of great help.