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Update Asset VIA API

I have tried to use the ServiceM8 API listed below and it never works. Always returns cannot create Asset VIA API but I am not creating an asset. https://developer.servicem8.com/reference#post-asset-single Can anyone else get the above API call to work???

How to generate an app?

Hi, How can I generate an App and get the Client id and Client secret?

ServiceM8 11 Updates

Hello Dev Team! Loving this years update! Will we be seeing updates to the API to support some of these new items; such as Bundles, GPS connectivity, Changes Invoice Date, etc?

Access denied when trying to create document templates

Hey, I am trying to create document templates and i get the error platform_produce_document is not an authorised object type any light?

Can i create JobContact webhook in serviceM8

Hey there can you tell me how i can create webhook of jobContact

How to apply filter on records from Company,Job,Materials?

Currently i am quering all the list records, to identify, record exist or not. if we are having large numbers of records, it takes time to response. How we can filter the particular record from the list? Is there any way to apply filters and get result in less time.? Thanks

job_description field

When posting to the job endpoint I was getting some kind of error/warning when submitting a large amount of text in the job_description field. Is there a character limit that I need to be aware of?


How do you integrate the software with 'get a quote' button on the frontend of WordPress website?

Which scope need to create job notes in Oauth?

In API documentation, could not provide the details about the scope for job notes creation. Please, check the documentation and update. Then provide scope value for job notes creation.

Auto Badge Allocation

I see in the api documentation that you can automatically allocate a badge. The default is set to 0, I assume that the string required is 1, it updates the badge but doesnt seem to work in servicem8 when I have tested it. I have a client that has a form that is required to be completed on every job, and they want to automatically allocate the badge so they don't forget. Is this what this function does? and what string is required to be entered to enable it if it is correct