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Rest API error 400

I'm trying to get started using the REST api in python. The following code is giving an error: url = "https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/asset.json" headers = {"Accept": "application/json"} response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=('username', 'password')) print(response.text) The error: {"errorCode":400,"message":"asset requires addon activation on this account prior to use"} Please help!

Generate an Asset Register per Asset Type

I would like to be able to generate an asset register for all our assets, regardless of what client they are assigned too. Currently this doesn't seem to be possible. Any suggestions?

Adding Preferences to an Add On (docs missing in Manifest section?)

The documentation says to use the Preferences section of the Manifest to define preferences. https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/add-on-style#section-don-t- The Manifest Reference section doesn't include any documentation on the Preferences section. Is there an example we can reference? Thanks.

Webhook Listener and Zapier

We built an app following the webhook instructions and were able to add it as an add on to our servicem8 account. We created the webhook using Postman and the callback URL would be something that Zapier specified. The use case is that any changes to certain field in the job would send notification to the URL that is from Zapier and will then trigger the zap actions. This already works but after some time, it stops working. When I check the webhook via postman, i have to again reauthorize the app. Is there a way around this or what could be the cause for this?

Job creation via api

hi can I post a job with a specified job number using the API I want to create a job via API that has a (job number, job name, customer, startdate, descrition , status, contact name) can you help me with this please

Having problems with the Invoice Dates in the Invoice Tab

Hello, I just want to ask, what seems to be the problem with the data that I am passing on ServiceM8 from our application. It creates weird dates that look like 01/12/00. The year should be on 2019 or 2018 but it passes 00.

Compatibility with cms

Is the service mate API compatible with Squarespace?


Hi Team, I am having issue on fetching data from api I am using this api----->" https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/company.json?access_token=*********************************&scope=read_customers" By using the above api it showing error like this "{ "errorCode": 403, "message": "insufficient_scope", "additionalDetails": "\"read_customers\" scope required to complete this request" }" How can i solve this issue please give a solution for this

Did Hello World Add-on walkthrough video but button isn't showing?

I followed the steps in the "Hello World Add-on" walkthrough video https://servicem8.wistia.com/medias/wq8m85x2ib but the "Hello Action" button isn't showing on the Modify job window? I checked that manifest 1.0 status is "Ready". I got a "Function validated successfully" when I saved the code that I'd copied and pasted in from https://github.com/servicem8/addon-sdk-samples/tree/master/app-actions-addon-nodejs I clicked on the "Private Add-on Install URL" and allowed it access. My "Test" add-on is listed in our Add-ons and is turned on. I tried logging off and back into ServiceM8 but that didn't help either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Shift data via the API

Is there any way to get shift data via the API? I can't see any endpoints that look relevant. The information I'm looking for is available on the Activity Timesheet report, but we want to automate this for a payroll integration. I know Wink Reports has this information and Deputy seems to as well, but not sure if they're screen scraping or using APIs that aren't documented. Thanks