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Webhook contains the wrong header

Hi Ive been having major problems with your webhooks and I have found that the issue is that your header is xxx-url encode and not application/json as would ussually be expected. Is this something you can rectify at your end as I cant do anything about it at my end. Everything else returns json I am baffled as to why the webhook does not.

Automatically update calendar when checking in and out

Hello, I am curious if it may be possible to automate the calendar to update when checking in and out of a job, altering the "scheduled" time to the "actual" time. Service M8 has been perfect so far, other than not being able to do this. Any help will be appreciated. -Liam

API: API Data fields Name required

Hello Support, Hope you doing well! Can you please help me in finding name of the field which is displaying in Dispatch board screen, For job Start time and end time in API response, As am not able time find exact which field data display there in dashboard. Please guide me how to get exactly start and end time of each job base on job id. Screenshot of my database table : https://p15.zdusercontent.com/attachment/43192/Ln1GIkZFp7BtsCtk8iXV8i1cT?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0.._1k4QedR7nfkdyvURl6uwA.-iIwgWo8JPAlKfFGrZmSENOilZWmHhUTM15r0kU3WtE1uwcly0u2FMi3eOeptGMhktdcN089Ig0v3rz7SN0cE4rM5xvZpX1pFr4c4joD3SYjuP3bHTTt5XsM-S_sqvNFEur6PR5Xxd6dEEsAjhnXkheuVT5WUc5XLhZKfaLOzcUsRKtvYL-4-Z7cpKH481WZLEh1byCbvHc-lxdmmIHAwGglaBFxU10PpeNGfuz6VLcN77KtUK6lfiMFBVI8henBB2pR0WS_dl1BdJVZSFAW8e1Bcwf3bE5Iab1kvAZJ63k.qpFwwGxTep1cAvrLveccLQ Thank you

Im getting an error with my webhooks when connecting to joballocation

As above, it is saying it does not support subscription

How to control Client Sites via API

Hello, we work on integration with ServiceM8 system and have question. We found Client Sites add-on https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/202023544-Client-Sites-Overview The question is can we control Client Sites via API (create, update, delete or find a special client site)? We wasn't able to immediately able to find the answer in the developer section and in the API Documentation. Thanks in advance!

How to configure polices for ServiceM8 through MDM (Mobile Data Management) applications like Microsoft intune

We would like to configure the policy for SM8 apps (iPhone) with certain properties like GPS on etc on the company-provided devices. How can we achieve that?

Do I want a "Private Applications (HTTP Basic Auth)" or "Public Applications (OAuth 2.0)"

Hi there. I am a website and software developer. (not Wordpress :-) We have a couple of customers using Service M8 and want to integrate website enquiry forms direct to become Service m8 "jobs". We have look at the booking embed, but we want to keep some signficant extra analytics data gathered from our website processes. Thus, we are eager to Authenticate with Service m8 and program our own integration. First things first.... with 2-3 of our clients on Service m8, do we want to Private or Public applications access ??? PS: We have application integration / website integration experience. :-)

Send PDF to ServiceM8 inbox

Hi, When form is filled within the job, we want the PDF after the result of form submission send to serviceM8 inbox. Is there any webhook that trigger after the form submission and is their any API method that attach PDF to inbox relating to specific job. Please guide me ASAP. Thanks

Fetch Invoices to show as PDF to client via API

Hi there, I'm currently developing a custom portal, so I want to fetch all invoices through the API, for the client for all jobs they have, as well as the report forms ('like smoke alarm inspection report') Anyone can shed light on this? Thanks!

Getting wrong scheduled datetime in Job data

We are using API url to fetch Jobs data. https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/get-job-all But we are getting different scheduled datetime('job_is_scheduled_until_stamp') in JSON response E.g. actual scheduled time is 1:00 PM with duration of 1 hour(While booking). We're getting 2:00 PM and if duration is 30 mins, we're getting 1:30 PM in API response. We want actual time without added duration. OR can we get separate duration time field in job data?