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Viewing the console

If I edit the code for an addon online, within the addon itself and then test it on a job or client card, how can I view the results of console.log?


Do I want a "Private Applications (HTTP Basic Auth)" or "Public Applications (OAuth 2.0)"

Hi there.

Question on Service M8 Booking form API

Hi Team,

Creation of Job Materials via API

Trying to create Job Materials via the API and am met with this error,

Customer Webhook on updates not working

Hi Guys,
We are finding that the following webhooks aren't coming through from ServiceM8 on customer updates:

Getting wrong scheduled datetime in Job data

We are using API url to fetch Jobs data.

API: API Data fields Name required

Hello Support,
Hope you doing well!

Webhook Listener and Zapier

We built an app following the webhook instructions and were able to add it as an add on to our servicem8 account. We created the webhook using Postman and the callback URL would be something that Zapier specified.

Automatically update calendar when checking in and out


Multiple vendors and webhooks

What is the best way to distinguish which vendors the webhooks belong to when dealing with multiple vendors.