Getting "Authorization Required" everytime
How to configure polices for ServiceM8 through MDM (Mobile Data Management) applications like Microsoft intune
We would like to configure the policy for SM8 apps (iPhone) with certain properties like GPS on etc on the company-provided devices.
How can we achieve that?
Add on simple function error - 'Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance.'
I am receiving the error 'Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance.' when I try to save a simple function within a custom add on. This problem has only recently occurred as I have been able to save functions in the past.
Service pricing questions conditional logic
Would it be possible to add the same conditional logic block used in form questions to the questions in service pricing? If this is possible then the services addon can be used as a quote engine,
How do I retrieve an attachment UUID?
How do you set head office?
ServiceM8 has set my home as my head office, how do I change that?
I’m new to this app, is it designed to be used from a computer. I’m using it it with my phone at the moment.
Getting Multiple Attachments For Same Edited Attachment.
Hello Team,
Google Anayltics 4 Tracking
Seeing as Universal Analytics are being turned off next year, does ServiceM8 support Google Analytics 4 tracking?
Invalid grant error
I create script in php so once i allowed the scope i get access token and refresh token. Then whenever i run file of create contact in servicem8 i get new token from refresh token then use that new token of creating contact. But this automatically stop after 2 or 3 days.
Webhooks repeatetly sent
Hi I am in the process of implementing webhooks but find that the same status update is being resent every 5 minutes despite having responded with Status Code 200 (OK)
Anything else that the response must contain to make it stop resending the same object change over and over?
Also in the documentation it says it would resend the change once per hour in case of failure, but I am getting changes every 5 minutes (not making any changes) but getting the change notification basically again and again over and over for the one change.