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Google Anayltics 4 Tracking

Seeing as Universal Analytics are being turned off next year, does ServiceM8 support Google Analytics 4 tracking? Do I just put the Measurement ID where the Universal Tracking Code would go?

Available Job Appointment ENdpoint

I have checked your API reference but finding it difficult to locate the endpoint to get the available appointment times/dates

For add attachment using api

Hello I follow "https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/attaching-files-to-a-job-diary" this step but the attchment not upload and the active status "0" on create attachment api

500 Internal Server Error when removing badges

We're using Integromat to check for badges and remove one if it's found. It works perfectly on one scenario but we keep getting a 500 error code for the second one. What could be causing the issue? I cannot find differences in the two.

Recurring Jobs API

Hi, I need to retrieve a list of recurring jobs via API. Could you please confirm if this is possible? Thanks, Andriy

Search via URL

Is it possible to have an application launch a browser and by providing URL parameters show search results. We have a softphone application and currently have a mechanism on incoming calls to launch a browser, go to a url with a parameter set to a phone number. For example : https://go.servicem8.com/dashboard?&s_auth=fffffffffffffffffff&find=0412555555 This would launch a new browser tab, show the dashboard and pop the search screen with the search results pre-populated with 0412555555.

Getting Multiple Attachments For Same Edited Attachment.

Problem1 : We are having some trouble with the Servicem8 API endpoint result we received in Attachment. We are getting multiple entries for the attachment for the Job UUID : d6023442-9e7e-4438-aae6-1ee1d115e4bb Job #23422 This attachment has been updated 2-3 times but ultimately we should receive only one attachment in result json at the moment. But currently its giving each edited Attachments. Can you please look into this? END POINT : https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/attachment.json?%24filter=related_object_uuid%20eq%20%27d6023442-9e7e-4438-aae6-1ee1d115e4bb Problem2 : Some time we are getting this error ( [errorCode] => 429 [message] => Number of allowed API requests per minute exceeded ) Query : Can you please tell us how many API request we can have per minute? And if we want to increase it then how can we do that? Please answer on this as well.

Can the SM8 API interact with Recurring Jobs?

Looking to create and track recurring jobs via SM8 API, can't see how this is possible though? My conclusion at this point is recurring jobs can't be touched by API? Can anyone confirm if Recurring Jobs are accessible/inaccessible?

ServiceM8 Phone Call History using API

I want to get ServiceM8 Phone call history using API. Can you please send me the link to that endpoints? Also, does phone calls API provides webhooks? I also want to create a Post using ServiceM8 API. Please share the link of that endpoint also.

CRM Integration

We are looking for a CRM that will integrate with Servicem8 and Xero but keep the the bulk of the sales and contracts communication/data out of Servicem8 as we are concerned that it will bog down the system which we are currently using well for our Production crew. Can anyone please advise of options that are available? We are currently using Greenrope as our CRM but would be willing to change to another if the integration work has already been achieve.