Xero removal
Just wondering if we have to have a Xero subscription with ServiceM8 as we primarily just use serviceM8 invoice tracking system and stripe to receive invoice payments.
Invocing payment terms
Hey, I'm just wondering if there is a way to change my serviceM8 invoice due date to 10 days from job completion/dispatch of invoice. I know you go into settings > preferences > invoicing > invoicing terms but there are only options for COD, Pre paid, 7, 14 and 30 days. I know you can make a specific one for each client but just wondering if theres an easier solution.
How to get the job details from ServiceM8 to Zoho CRM?
Hi folks,
Can I know which API endpoint I have to use to remove the job from the queue?
Can I know which API endpoint I have to use to remove the job from the queue?
Form Response API
Hi, I need your help regarding the form response:
Can someone please help me. I need just the oauth2 steps to add to the start of my excel power queries as now 2 factor has been implemented they no longer work with just basic private log in.
Return Paramenters
In the response body where you create a job it returns an ok code.
Zapier Price
At the moment we use zapier to create jobs in service m8 when they have been won by the sales team in another CRM. It creates a new quote and can add name,phone,email etc. but there is no option to move the price over.
When using the api to add an attachment to a job it is marked as inactive and is not showing in the job
Even using the API reference to test is as show here has the same results
Using the API to intergrate a 3rd party schedule