Issue with access_token and refresh_token inside servicem8
This is my code to get the access token and refresh token. The webhook I created was working fine around 3 days ago but suddenly stopped when the access token expired. It wasn't able to fetch the refresh token. Can some help me figure out what I am doing wrong. Has somebody faced similar issue when doing an integration. The token.json file holds the information about the access token, refresh_token. Is it a code issue or is it an issue with the Servicem8. Note: The token expires after 3600second. The webhook seems fine I believe.
My custom webhook stopped working
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ServiceM8 Phone
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Why does my Webhook callback url saying authorization required. I have already inserted my authorization parameter?
Authorization required when firing webhook
How to get all the jobs in the system with api?
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Job toolbar button to open an external web page / URL
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Layout and Field Update
Hi Team,
Bulk Import Wizard Issue
Hello, I am trying ServiceM8’s 14 day trial and do not seem to be “Validating record(s)”?