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Support please

Hi. Been 3 days since my query why the Addon system isnt working. I tried submitting a support ticket but keep getting directed here where there is no response. Can ServiceM8 please respond as I need to know that the 25 clients I am migrating from WorkflowMax will have the functionality they need.

make API calls for a clients enviroment

Hello, I would like to make an api call to fetch jobs and job materials from a clients environment however i am logging in via the partner program portal and do not see a way to use the basic auth (username and password) how would I go about authenticating apis calls?

Getting started with Hello World Addon - "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance."

I am following the steps in this video: <https://servicem8.wistia.com/medias/wq8m85x2ib> using scripts for hello world here: <https://github.com/servicem8/addon-sdk-samples> When saving the function it validates but then get the error: "Error Packaging Function. Please try again or contact support for assistance." Add on appears in Features and Integrations but no option to switch on/off. Are the code samples suggested by your guides correct? <https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/getting-started-1>

Invoice and Payment

Hello team, which API I have to use to get the Invoices and Payments details from serviceM8

Converstion Tracking with GA4 and Google Ads - Confirmation Page

Hi team, We were looking for a way to track conversions through the confirmation page for our different services. All services are in one form. How can we track the confirmation page on GA4? Thanks!

Is there a problem with ServiceM8 webhooks this morning?

Seems to be a problem generating webhooks on ServiceM8 - started after 7:30 this morning Can someone help?

Does SericeM8 have Job Template API access?

Hi There, I am trying to build a connection between Airbnb and ServiceM8 Is an API for job templates, so when a booking is made in Airbnb a job can be scheduled from job templates in ServiceM8

Simple Online Enquiry

I'm trying to replace the Simple Online Enquiry with a custom on-site form. Mostly I thought it just sent an email to .....@inbox.servicem8.com, but it noticeably doesn't use these in the email it sends: <https://support.servicem8.com/hc/en-us/articles/202583884-How-the-inbox-job-card-auto-fill-feature-works> **Yet somehow**, the autofill works anyway – even without separation of First and Last name, it's split and filled out correctly. Maybe there's some hidden data in the email, or maybe it's also using the API in a way that isn't obvious. I'd love to know, so I can replicate it more fully in my own version.

How can I get a view of all user calendars in servicem8?

How can I get a view of all user calendars in servicem8?

Add line item to quote using make.com

I am using make.com to create a quote job in SM8 from my website form The calculation happens within forminator and I have the quote data available to use in sm8 but i want to automatically add it as a line within the quote section of the job Any idea how i can access that through make.com via the api