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Using the API to intergrate a 3rd party schedule Is it possible to have the option for the Job webhook to be fired on a Job Update or Job Change? Their Zapier app only fires on New Jobs for servicem8

Calling the job material list via API (Python/Zapier)

Hi there, I have a zapier integration that is meant to be calling the job materials list from servicem8 when a job gets assigned to a specific que. I can trigger the action when the job lands in the que and pass it along to my python script which is meant to provide a line item array of all the materials filtered by the uuid of the job which triggered my zap. I am able to return only the first entry in the material list. Any idea why the rest of the array is being truncated? e.g my python script: ``` import requests # 'jobuuid' is the field containing the UUID in the input_data job_uuid = input_data['jobuuid'] url = f"https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/jobmaterial.json?%24filter=job_uuid eq {job_uuid}" headers = { "accept": "application/json", "authorization": "Basic MYCREDENTIALS" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: materials_data = response.json() # Return the materials_data to pass it to the next steps in Zap return materials_data else: return { "error": f"Request failed with status code: {response.status_code}" } ``` This is my return: ``` uuid: ccec4318-0077-4082-a309-410abb46e9c5 tax_rate_uuid: da374289-575b-4e78-bb6a-1de9409945cb quantity: 1.0000 name: Bunnings inv. 2016/90315302 price: 61.9800 active: 1 displayed_amount_is_tax_inclusive: 1 displayed_amount: 61.9800 edit_date: 2023-09-19 14:42:36 job_uuid: 5d88a6c0-05c7-434e-86ef-200d2f1ffd6b material_uuid: 16434f99-94d1-408c-aadb-f7337fcddc3b sort_order: 0 cost: 56.3455 displayed_cost: 61.9800 id: RqNp2R6aEc50ExK10lucvpcXishvE2A5 runtime_meta memory_used_mb: 47 duration_ms: 710 logs ``` I was expecting a json array to be returned however I am only getting which ever material is at the top of the list. Really hoping I can generate the full list, would have really useful stock reordering applications. Thanks for any help! Nate

API fields - unsure which ones to use

Hello, We are using API and are bit lost figuring out the exact API fields that are for jobs: - duration - booking date - booking time We went through here: <https://developer.servicem8.com> But it is not very clear as the fields we have tried did not do us any good. Thank you!

Integrating Freshsales suite with Service M8

I'm trying to connect Freshsales suite with Service M8. Below is the action we’re looking to perform : Whenever a deal is created in Freshsales Suite a web hook is triggered to create a job in Service M8. I have generated the APP Id and App Secret , but I’m not sure where to provide the authentication details to connect the two applications .

Job card emailing

Hi, I have a few issues I need sorted ASAP for a clean and scalable system. 1. On the job cards, bottom left where the job contacts are, I need to be able to easily add up to 5 tenants on top of the billing contact and property manager. This is because I send a form 9 Entry Notice to all tenants before I perform a smoke alarm appointment. 2. Now when I click to "Email" button on the same job card, It doesn't display all the contacts available. Only the billing contact and 1x Tenant. I need to be able to send one email thread to all the attached tenants. BONUS: currently its also super difficult to determine the difference between each contact title (billing contact, tenant, property manager). As it only displays their names and not a title next to it. So essentially, my employees have to guess who's, who when selecting the contacts for email. It would be great it there was either a title next to the contact or have them colour coded etc. (currently Im putting the title "Tenant" in the first name field and their full name in the second field. Not great as you can imagine). I feel this would be way easier to explain via a video call or even a screen recording I can email through. This is a crucial part of my operations and I 100% need a solution. I've used ServiceM8 for many years and hope to continue. Please work with me to make this possible. Thanks legends!!

Job Templates Upon Creation

We are pushing jobs into ServiceM8 through the API. <https://developer.servicem8.com/reference/post-job-create> Is there any chance to add Job templates to the API endpoint so we can pre determine the correct template to apply to a new job?

Can I add Material Items List to Quotes and Invoicing for a respective Job # from external Tool by any means?

We have a 3rd party seperate tool called Measure to track all the Materials, Quantity and related cost for a Job , it becomes redundant to enter the same list in Quotes and Invoicing Tab. So, we are wondering what could be the right direction to automate this. Guidance is appreciated.

How to retrieve manage service data

Hi, I am using service 8 API. Now I am not able to get manage service data from API. Can you please tell me which API can provide this data. I have attached screenshot of manage service' data. Please check it and let me know. Here is screenshot: <https://prnt.sc/ueBwOSLosx4q> Thanks.

How to retrieve staff leave via API call?

Hi, Is there any API endpoint to retrieve staff leaves information? Thanks

What purpose does the job field READY_TO_INVOICE serve?

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to pull together a list via API of jobs which are completed but not yet invoiced. The trouble is choosing which field to filter my API call by STATUS = "Completed" - returns too many positives INVOICE_SENT = "false" - returns too many positives I had the idea to filter by jobs READY_TO_INVOICE however by default the jobs keep a value of "1" even after they have been invoiced. My next thought was perhaps once the jobs are invoiced to change READY_TO_INVOICE from "1" back to "0" so these jobs don't reappear when I filter by READY_TO_INVOICE Can anyone share any insight on whether this will have adverse effects on other things?