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Uploading Files to Diary

When I upload a file to the diary, I get this icon and cannot read the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e3a2tftn49ti6dq/Screenshot%202020-07-09%2010.51.41.png?dl=0 However, the API returns a 200. Any ideas?

Website platform integration

I am curious if anyone else has used a specific website platform that integrates well with serviceM8. I currently want to use Squarespace, I see there is a way to integrate a few things but not all, so just curios what others are using.

Hey Ben wondering if you could go through a couple of my questions.

most important **** Email - can we send attachments via API? Accesptable method? least important ***** Email Templates - can we remotely use the form fields ie "Hello <client>" Really want to get webhooks working ****** Having trouble recieving data via the webhooks, wondering if it is possible to manually send a webhook to htttp://myendpoint/initialize so I can detect the data fields coming in. I can successfully enable the webhook to http://myendpoint however I need a copy of the actual webhook to hit /initialize

Non-Expiry Token

Is it possible to generate a long lived or non-expiry token?

Data Missing from Webhook

I wrote an add-on that uses the JWT access token to fetch additional data. Now, when the webhook fires, it doesn't return the token. https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/sample-event-data#section-example-event-argument-for-a-webhook Will you look into this?

Broken API call for attachments - 3 weeks and counting with no response

Anyone else having an issue with filtering attachments by related_object_uuid ? Around 3 weeks ago I started receiving "Invalid Record Filter".Attempted to contact developer support - no answer to date.

How can I find a company contact's UUID

I am trying to create a webhook to update a company contacts email address through API. Is there a way to retrieve a specific company contact's UUID without having to retrieve all company contacts and then search that list for the company and then its contacts?

XMLHttpRequest has been blocked

Good Day, I have used your API's a couple of times before, but today it decided to act up. The error states: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://api.servicem8.com/api_1.0/note.json' from origin 'https://localhost' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. I did not have to do this previously? Kind Regards

Issues authenticating

I have been using Oauth2 to authenticate for the last few days and all of a sudden my tokens became invalid. I have tried creating new codes and going through the authentication process again on 2 x servicem8 accounts and have even created a second developer account. I recieve a code in the URL however I get : Raw response for the API "{\"error\":\"invalid_grant\",\"error_description\":\"Authorization code doesn't exist or is invalid for the client\"}" up until now it has been working however now I cant get past the first stage.

Sending Booking Link via API

Hello I'm trying to see if it's possible to send the customer a job's Booking Link via the API. You can do this via the UI from inside the Schedule window in a job's card and it sends a SMS to the customer with a link for them to select their own schedule for the job. Is it possible to access this link/url via the API so we can automate this process? For example, as soon as an order comes in they receive this link to schedule that specific job. Thanks