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More than 10 items on the "service report" inbuilt into service8?

I'm not a developer, servicem8 has pointed me here as this is my last resort on being able to persist with servicem8.

I need to be able to produce service reports using something akin to the inbuilt feature in servicem8 but with 30 or so responses per asset. The inbuilt system only allows 10. I have not had much luck getting any definitive answers/results and Servicem8 can only really direct me here or to their partner directory.

Is there a way to be able to do a form per asset with about 30 questions as a maintenance checklist, and then at the end of the job have a "service report" compiled from all of the forms like usual, but showing the answers to all 30 of those questions per asset?

I don't think I care if we do a portion of the work is done outside of servicem8, so long as the asset shows a maintenance check has been done in its history, some of the asset information is populated onto the service report and the service report is created and put into the job diary when the job is completed.

Can anybody solve my problem for me?