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Special chars in Client name

When importing clients via bulk csv, double spaces and colon (:) chars are removed from the name.

When I use the web app to change the client name to something like "Test :,./;'[]-=<>?:"{}!@#$%^&*()_+" the client list shows the client name without the colon. Click "Open Client" the colon is present in the client name field.

When querying the API, colon is omitted as well.

"uuid": "c35f5a4a-81f7-41c0-93d5-200ee177b01b",
"editdate": "2023-06-22 21:06:10",
"name": "Test ,./;'[]-=<>?"{}!@#$%^&*()
"website": "",
"abn_number": "",

This inconsistency is creating a massive problem for my clients data import.